Learn to vision your dream in great detail and it is more likely to become a reality.

in #writing7 years ago

Most people don't achieve many of their big dreams, because, they deep down are okay with not achieving that and almost accepted that they won't achieve it. This was mainly my problem.

It is important to be able to visualise the dream, in great detail. If your dream is to gain muscle for example, if you want to be rich, vision what you your house would look like, vision how your life will be different, what people will think of you (if that is important to you) etc... If you want to change your physique and get more muscles for example, you would want to imagine what you would look like, your back, shoulders, arms, legs, abs etc, how you would look with a shirt, without a shirt, how it will make u feel about yourself. The most important question is :

What would it be like without achieving this aim????

This question is a big one. This will reveal how much that goal means to you. Even when you initially didn't feel much about achieving it, not being able to achieve it will let you know how badly do you really want it. You need to ask this question to yourself.

Details like this makes it a clearer vision, and those little details are really important to motivate you to get those dreams. Your vision gets deeper, and the aim receives a great deal of clarity. If you try to achieve for something big, but you don't really care or don't feel how it can change things, then you might not be motivated to do it in the first place.

So definitely vision your dreams, from the big things to the little detail, and think what it would be like with or without achieving it.

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