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RE: Writing under the influence

in #writing5 years ago

Hi @tarazkp
The grind is real

Being an author on Steem can have its ups and downs and long periods of hustle and choke, but those who are able to remain consistent, deliver quality and perform necessary tasks over time again and again generally will eventually get traction of some kind. Erratic behavior however is nearly always met with mixed results and outcomes.

Even a passion like writing is sometimes work, but in general fun and a release from the mundane. I sometimes write to say meaningful things and other times just to have fun. But as in all things, external influences sometimes creepin and create stress where none was before...
Ironic, I hoped that writing was a passion which would help me relieve stress, but still yet in it stress lives...


Work is not a dirty word in my opinion.

I think too many times we are told to reduce stress rather than learning to cope and as a result, our tolerance gets lower and lower making stress more available. Stress only kills if you believe it is bad for you.

I read once that anything which is alive can heal when injured, as long as the injury doesn’t kill the organism. And healing is brought about by growth. So I have always secretly believed that stress made me stronger, as long as it didn’t kill me. 😂

Some people go to the gym and stress their body to increase their physical strength, some stress their mind. Some people are negatively stressed by the slightest discomfort, some can face extreme conditions and not bat an eyelid.

Work is confused with trying to stay busy.
Stay busy , don't think, and that's just where wage slave owners like you to be.

Being rushed off your feet is a testament to failure of time management and an inefficient allocation of resources.

Work smart, not hard.

The stress mechanism is designed in humans as an on-off switch, not a continual state of being.
It's chemistry, not psychology.

Stress only kills if you believe it is bad for you.

...and smoking is only bad for if you think it is?

'Belief' is for the religiously minded.

Chemistry is for the realist.

Another stereotypical false equivalence from you.

...and smoking is only bad for if you think it is?


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