3 Steps to Banish Blocks through Expressive Writing

in #writing7 years ago

In my teaching practice, writers most frequently come to me with the question of how to get the words out. They feel stuffed so full of their own stories they are choking, or their stories flee as soon as they have the time to look at them. Expressive writing is a great tool for easing stories out. An article by John F Evans on Psychology Today defines it as a practice which “pays more attention to feelings than the events, memories, objects, or people in the contents of a narrative.”

image from pixabay and edited with WordSwag by @shapeshifter43

In my experience, this style of writing allows you to keep your head above water. Here’s how I instruct stuck clients to use expressive writing to thrive in their flow instead of going under:


I’m not being glib here. The greatest hurdle is getting yourself to the page. The second greatest hurdle is using the page. It doesn’t matter what you write. It can be nonsense. There is no need for the application of grammar. Just write. Write that you don’t know what to write and that it feels really weird to be writing that you don’t know what to write. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes and write.

1. Emotionally engage with what you wrote.

Take a few minutes after your timed writing to jot down a few notes on how that process or any thoughts that arose made you feel. This is a phenomenal self-care practice. Hard feelings can come up when you take away the writing boundaries. Or maybe the process of writing every thought in your head kinda icked you out. That’s okay. Make notes of what you felt when and where.

2. Make note of any stories you became aware you were holding.

Fiction, nonfiction, poetry—all stem from life. The best writing is that which holds poignant grains of truth which are universally relatable. The great news is you don’t have to force these to come out. Expressive writing pulls them out of you because it allows you to pay attention to the thoughts swarming your mind and give them space on the page. What gems arose? What stories surprised you?

Perhaps you are in the throes of holiday decompression. Memories and emotions are flooding you. Using these tips will support you in stepping back into your creative flow, aid you in releasing your thoughts, and help you discover what stories you need to tell.

3. Do you or will you try expressive writing as a catalyst for creativity?

Originally published on the Center for Creative Writing blog.

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waooww !! amazing knowledge you shared :) what a way you easily describe how we write our blogs :) thank you keep in touch and please share more amazing steps which i follow for writing :) have a great day man

I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I hope it benefits you.

an interesting post and benefit many people. I really like your post.

Thank you so much!

This is good advice, @shawnamawna. You always manage to post these things just as I'm struggling to write something new.

I am very happy to read this. Also, always feel free to message me so we can chat if you're stuck. <3

Just write means really just ... that. Keep on shuffling words into the sentences, until the 'brainwashing' pans out something interesting. After that is easy.

Agreed! Spit it out, in a sense. Clear your throat.

"Just write. Write that you don’t know what to write and that it feels really weird to be writing that you don’t know what to write. Set a timer..."
Great advice! Julie Cameron calls it Morning Pags, in "The Artist's Way"-
think of it as stretching to warm up before a morning run.

I have heard much of "The Artist's Way". I need to read that and give it a try, I think. I love the analogy.

Tried that today and gave up after five minutes..... One of those nothing good was going to come from that story moments. sigh. Will give this s shot again tomorrow.

I experience those quite a lot. This reminds me of another tactic I use which is having multiple projects at once. I will post on that and how it prevents the despair that can come with try and try again.

This might be another one of those problems.... I always always have multiple projects. Would be nice to finish ONE of them :-)

As long as I have something in mind writing isn’t all that hard for me. It’s trying to form the perfect sentence with the perfect words that trips me up. I have to constantly remind myself not to let perfection be the enemy of the good.

The only other thing I feel I have trouble with is saying everything I want to say without it sounding disjointed or confusing. Do you have any good outlining techniques that might help?

Thanks for your post.

I love that you are nudging people to write from the heart and discover from within. So many things are lurking there, within all of us. And they can be seeds. Or they can fester, and turn into horrible, awful gremlins that eat our souls. I have no idea where that thought came from. Evidently you have already inspired me. :^)

I haven't ever set a timer and allowed free flow for a constrained time. I feel like i try to reign in expression and edit while i create, but i would love to start doing 10 minute freewrites per day!
Could be a fun steemit challenge too! Thanks @shawnamawna

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