5 minute freewrite: Friday prompt: Grocery List
When I head for the grocery store, there is a good chance I've left my grocery list lying on the table at home. Or stuck on the fridge with a magnet. Fortunately, my husband is usually home nowadays and can text me the list, or read it to me over the phone. Because of the way I learn and remember things, I can often remember a great deal of what I have written down. Just the other day, though, I got into Costco and remembered my list was still in the car. I managed to remember three things I'd intended to purchase there, but I knew there was one more thing I had scribbled down later, and simply couldn't fish it out of my brain. So I hiked back to the car to retrieve my list and sure enough! It was a particular type of peanut butter that my sister had asked me to look for, just earlier that morning! Of course, after going to all that bother to get the list, that particular peanut butter wasn't in stock. Pooh.
My grocery lists tend to include perishables most of all. Things like dairy and dairy-alternatives, fresh produce, and the occasional meat purchase. We try to purchase most of our meats from local people we know, but sometimes I run out of something, or want to try a recipe that calls for some weird cut I've never heard of. Then that has to go onto the grocery list. Sometimes my abbreviations are really hard for other people to read. Like what is cr. chs anyway?
Cream Cheese! LOL!
This free write of yours sounds like a familiar tale, one of which I am closely acquainted with. Reading over your survey of note leaving and shopping, I was reminded of what life was like before cell phones, I mean, there was no calling of spouses, you just had to wing it. Life was hard in the good old days...*snicker...
You have my sympathy regarding the peanut butter issue.
My sister lives far from a Costco, so asks me to pick things up for her from time to time. Fortunately, she is acquainted with the unpredictability of peanut butter availability there, and will survive the crisis. And you interpreted the abbreviated grocery item correctly!
Ha! If I forget my list, I go nuts worrying that I'm forgetting something. Who am I kidding? I still have that feeling with my list.
How many times have I arrived at home after shopping and promptly started a new list?!
I have, on more than one occassion, completely skipped over an item on my list! I am not an organized person, but if I have a long list (which is the case when we make our monthly Costco run-you should see the looks we get when we are grabbing 2 cases of Kerrygold butter!) I will re-write the list to make sure the like items are together! Especially with 4 children squabbling there is no time to go zig-zagging all over the store!
But last week, I actually got to go shopping alone... and I still overlooked something on the list! Like, maybe I was in such a state of bliss that I just didn't really care? I don't know how it happened, but I had to laugh at myself.
On and yes, I totally abbreviate my lists and cr chs makes total sense to me!
My husband's job took him out of town much of the time when our children were little, so I learned to go shopping with one, then two, then three children in tow. I don't recall them behaving horridly, but there was just too much input, leading to sensory overload in my brain. When we moved and he was home more, I realized I could go to the store in the evening, ALONE! Wow, what a concept!
Today's Prompts Are Ready!
After slow cooking for the past 6 hours, the #freewrite is ready for your consumption. Enjoy!
Click Here For The Single Prompt Freewrite!
Click Here For Part 1 Of The 3-Prompt Freewrite!
I once wrote a post about my skepticism regarding "enjoy!" at the end of the recipe directions. Therefore, I remain suspicious about the freewrite post as well. HA HA!
Interesting. I'd love to read it.
Here ya go! Enjoy!
So understand this writing. Ran in to WallyWorld the other day and quick grabbed everything that I could remember off the list. Didn’t do too bad, but it does seem like there is always one essential that gets left behind. Abbreviating is out of the question. Never would have guesssed cream cheese. Lol🐓🐓
I sometimes wonder how the pioneer ladies managed with just an annual trip to the store. I suppose there was less variety to keep track of in their ingredients, and they probably had cows and chickens and pigs to provide basics at home. But if they forgot the salt and had to wait a year to get it.....oh my.