Writing: The Art of Storytelling

in #writing8 years ago

Whenever we talk about art, we tend to think about paintings, sketches and the likes. Or at least I tend to do so. Art, however, is not limited to these but has a much wider horizon. I believe, that anything that helps manifest the creativity of a person, is art. 

Therefore, photography, music composing, dancing, architecture and writing are all forms of art too. All these help a person showcase their creativity, emotions and feelings in different ways so as to affect other people in the way they intend to. 

One vital component of all these art forms is storytelling. It is something, I believe to be synonymous across all these different art forms. Even Hans Zimmer, the popular German composer, says so and I totally agree. 

This storytelling aspect of art is something that is engrained in all of us. That’s because we humans have always been story tellers. That’s how we passed our collective knowledge from one generation to the next, in the form of stories, be they written or spoken. 


As I mentioned, storytelling is not exclusive to any particular form of art but in my opinion, writing is the best way to tell a story. One could argue that pictures or videos (movies, or example) can do a better job at telling a story but I think differently.

Yes, movies are a really popular medium. That’s why I think more people watch movies than read a book. But popularity is not a measure of effectiveness. Movies don’t paint a picture, they show you a completed picture. 

In writing though, a writer paints a picture for the reader. His words are his paint and the reader’s mind is his canvas. Also, every single reader is free to create/interpret the picture in their own way and that’s where the beauty of writing lies. 

When you are reading a fiction on medieval war, for example, and as you are reading it, you get so into it that you feel as if all of it were happening right there in front of your eyes. You can feel the emotions that the characters feel or at least related to them. You feel a connection with them and their story and that, is just beautiful.


How lucky are we that out of all the species on the planet, we are the only ones who seem to have this capability to tell stories and share ideas and to be able to communicate with each other in so many different ways. 

I think I feel like Samwell Tarly of Game of Thrones, when I say that there is so much to read that has been written by such great minds that I doubt one person can read it all in his lifetime. Also, so much is written that is not published. How many great stories are we missing? We will never know. 

Anyways, I take solace in the fact that the technology of our time is making it easier for us storytellers to tell our stories and we are now reading more than ever and with technology like blockchains, it will all stay with us forever.

As long as we are on the topic of writing, do you like my writing? Well, if you do, give this post an upvote. Aaaaand, if you are feeling extra supportive, consider supporting me on my Patreon page. Thank you :)


I think creativty flows across many artforms and so does storytelling. The earliest of paintings told stories.

Yes, totally! That's why all creative art forms are so special and we are so lucky to have developed such capabilities in our evolution. :)

Nice...! Upvoted, leave comment and type nice word then I sleep....zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Storytelling is considered in so many ancient lineages as a sacred art form and have myself also came to that point. Thanks for sharing your point of views as well as your pointers to increase the quality of our story telling. The power of our blockchain is empowering us toward more and more quality, more and more potency into posterity. Namaste :)

Story telling is certainly sacred as you mentioned. Blockchain tech will help many more people all around the world to tell their stories. The future, in this regard, is a bright one! Namaste :)

I'm glad you mentioned Hans Zimmer. I personally love his work!

Yes, I really, really enjoy his music. It is not just music but an experience :)

Art is subjective. Whatever can influence our lives in different ways is a way of art - be it positive or negative. As long as it gets the mind thinking.

Yes and that's the beauty of it :)

Thanks for the reminder of the effectiveness words hold for painting a mental picture. I just started an adventure blog but it is mostly creative writing for now. Check it out at @beartooth-clark thanks!

Hey, it's a pleasure! I checked out your blog and I would like to read more :) Welcome to Steemit!

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