The Wow Effect: Are We Too Spoiled As A Race?

in #writing8 years ago

The world of technology has always been a fascinating one. I am not sure about you, but ever since I was a child, everything tech related made my eyes wide open and I was in awe every time I held a gadget.

As I grew up, this fascination became more of an obsession and I had to know every little new development in the world of tech. And I am sure hundreds of millions of other people would agree and did the same.

The world has changed a lot just in the last 20 years. We went from absolutely ridiculous looking TV boxes to the modern engineering marvel we have today. The internet which has changed everything we do was introduced to the world and became mainstream in the last decade alone.

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We have small devices in our hands that can get us any information we want and when and where we want it. We can talk with and see people thousands of miles away from us in an instant and even play games with them, all in this virtual world that has become so common for all of us.

As years flew by, we became more and more technologically advanced, and so did our gadgets. And not only that, the rate at which we advance has also increased, meaning that we are developing newer things faster than ever before. So much so that we are actually planning to inhabit a whole another planet!

But with this fast paced technological world, and all of its gifts and benefits and convenience, came something else. Something that is not exactly a curse, heck, not even a drawback if you really think about it. But it is certainly something to ponder upon.

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The thing I am talking about is the general spoiling of the human species. We as a race, are getting spoiled day by day. And I don’t mean getting spoiled in a food kind of a way, but in behavioural terms, in terms of character.

As mentioned, these character changes haven’t been that adverse to us but they still make for interesting psychological studies. The consequences can be two fold.

We Are Just Not Impressed Anymore

Before you say anything, let me just say that this is not universal. This is just something I have been noticing more and more lately. As I read more and more articles everyday on the internet, I get more convinced that this is an upward trend.

Let me ask you something, when was the last time you felt so amazingly ecstatic by a new invention, discovery or even a product launch? When was the last time something so magical happened that you just went “wow” like a little kid? This is the wow effect that is becoming rarer and rarer. 

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Even as brilliant minds keep coming up with more exotic technologies that were once only stuff of sci-fi movies, we just shrug our shoulders and go about our business. Nothing seems to create that effect anymore. 

Are we just spoiled or is there something else going on here? Maybe it’s just the fault of those sci-fi movies which raise our expectations as high as a mountain and when the real world offers up something the size of a hill, we feel unimpressed. Who is to say!

While it may not do any or much harm, we should still learn to appreciate everything, no matter it’s size. It’s the little things that add up to become bigger things in the future. A little awe here and there doesn’t hurt, right?

Meaningless Problems

One thing that technology has done without doubt is that it has made our lives much easier. Remember when people had to actually walk long distances just to meet the basic needs? Now, you can just order something and food will be delivered to you at your doorstep. 

While we certainly reap it’s benefits, we have also become lazier and have developed a set of problems that are just meaningless in the face of all the serious problems that the world is actually facing today.

The problems I am talking about are often called first world problems. You know, problems like, the remote being just out of reach or the pizza delivery guy getting 5 minutes late or how you can’t open a bag of chips because your fingers are too oily from the first bag of chips you just ate!

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These are all just meaningless problems. Problems, but meaningless. Just look at the bigger picture of the world and one can understand just how meaningless these problems are.

I hate to admit it, but technology has had a huge part in this. Somehow we have all been made to think that our lives should be magical where we can have everything where and when we want it. Just like we are used to with information. Well. reality is that some things do not equate with information. 

This has led me to believe that we are a spoiled race. Not all of us, but enough of us to at least think about this. Until real magic is actually invented, we will just have to make do with ‘adjusting’ with certain situations!

For more awesome content, follow me @sauravrungta. :)


I don't see the problem.

Well it is quite clear!

So true!
We've created small urgencies to take our attention away from the weightier matters in life. People tend to procrastinate anyway. Now we have a bazillion excuses with every little gadget. We text messages about going through Yellowstone without bothering to look up and actually see Yellowstone, or bother even getting out of the car.

Comfort and luxury is good.

but we need to harden the fuck up.

We are the only specie to destroy the environment just for our profits a term that has a zero practical value, yes we are.

Yes, and the moment we realise that, a huge epiphany hits us on the face! Sadly, that doesn't happen too often though!

hey @sauravrungta, interesting content. I'm curious why you chose writing as your main tag rather than technology or psychology?

Because this was a free-writing article. I simply kept on typing what came into my head in real time. I didn't plan this article ahead, just typed it! hehe That's why.
Thanks for reading :)

Maybe we need a tag for Journaling :)

haha just create one! :D

nice try. interesting to read. upvoted

@sauravrungta Nice article. Yes, Technology has certainly made us lazy. But, I still wish for more advancements in technology.

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