A Guide To A Happy Marriage Life (part 1)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Episode 1: Primary Aim of Marriage
The African and traditional philosophy have made it that most people lose sight of the primary aim of Marriage. This loss of sight orchestrates a lot of Marriage problems due to the misconception.
The Bible has it that when God felt the loneliness of Adam in the Garden of Eden, then the Lord God said, "It is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him". (Get 2:18).
The above passage apparently unfolds the unalloyed truth that the primary aim of Marriage is companionship. God gave Eve to Adam so that he will have a partner with whom to share joy and sorrow together. This is the more reason why you must marry somebody you truly love so as to be able to live as companions. You cannot be a companion to whom you do not have intrinsic love for, lest, you will not be happy in that marriage.
Partners should therefore be always there for each other, giving positive advice, reasoning together, complementing their incomplete being and satisfying themselves. This is also more reason why you must not marry somebody because of riches or material reasons. A companion should be a loved one. Marriage partners should therefore be friends and lovers before any other thing.
Do not say, "women have light brain" and in taking certain decisions you would not involve your wife. God knows the gifts He has impacted in your wife in order to complete your incomplete being. You should therefore never take your partner for granted or relegate her to the background in taking decisions. God sometimes unfolds His supports on certain decisions through your partner especially when he/she has the spirit of God in him/her. Partners should therefore intensify efforts to keep their spiritual Flame on at all times in order to sustain grace, peace, and love, as marriage needs them to succeed.
Having been there for each other, any of the partners who seek sexual satisfaction outside his/her matrimonial partner is orchestrating a lot of spiritual and Physical problems as repercussions for such unruly act. This can affect the individual directly and the family indirectly.
More importantly, marriage was ordained by God to help people live holy lives. This is why a man and a woman are joined together to satisfy their sexual desires and have no reason to seek such solace elsewhere. God would not take it lightly with such man or woman that may abandon his/her partner and seek for alternative satisfaction elsewhere.
If people will understand this primary aim of marriage, then hue and cry that crop up whenever one is unable to have a child would stop. However, children are blessings of marriage and should be seen as such. God blesses His people with children when He wills. If He has not given you a child, humbly continue to live in faith and love and await for His time, for He does whatever He wills when He wills and does not forget His own.
To be continued...
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