Becoming a better version of you on steemit: Decentralising steemit offline

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Make every thought, every fact that comes into your mind pay you a profit. Make it work and produce for you. Think of things not as they are but as they might be. Don't merely dream- but create. -- Maxwell Maltz

What is it that your environment (people) require that your talents can provide?. What skill set do you have now and what more do you have to learn (what version of you needs upgrade) to go to the next level?.
Your wealth and resourcefulness is enveloped in your ability to utilise your mind power and the tools of technology to create and deliver and sustain value to others. Time is of essence in the achievement of this goal.

Its begins with understanding your true nature and setting goals to sync with the better you. Your ability to set goals and the discipline to follow it through is the key to unlocking a better version of you in life. Without a goal, without a sense of purpose you simply would drift on the current of life and thus tossed tor and fro on the sand of time.

What's your goal for steemit for instance?
Whats your reputation now and of course what story would you love to be told of you 3-4 months from now.
Names like @surpassinggoogle @samstickkz @stach @ejemai etc waves my mind most of the time and am like this guys are the real deal.
What image would your name print of the mind frame of others. Steemit has gone beyond earning steemdollars if you ask me.
The amplified version of luke 6:38 puts it this way:

"Give , and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over [with no space left for more]. For with the standard of measurement you use [when you do good to others], it will be measured to you in return.”

Why on earth would we want to talk to others and get them to jion when there is no referal bonus?. Becoming a better version of you makes actuates you to look beyond yourself.

A better version of you
Talking to someone that does not know jack about cryptocurrency and having them them jion steemit and you further guiding them through is indeed indeed an act of love and selflessness.

In the same vain you should extend this virtue offline. Think of better ways of doing things for people, not just on steemit alone. Build your brand, maintain your reputation, interact and build a community and be value conscious. Steemit is about you and me... We should work at it and keep on adding value to one another.

Just thinking out loud.....


So much act love.

We are decentralizing the offline

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