
At all times, people have found support in the actions and works of great personalities, whether it be Jesus, Leonardo Da Vinci or Hermann Hesse ...
Man needs a man, simply because we are weak.
We live in ignorance so we are looking for help, every written phrase, picture or symphony can become a support, remove the shroud from the eyes, help to see the beauty of the world, to become closer to freedom and love!
To be a support for others is the only justification for existence, the criterion of this activity is joy! Do you bring joy to others? If you without hesitation, sincerely can answer YES, then your life is not in vain!

Thanks, it's opportunity to serve😉

Why comment?

Because you want to let the writer know you've read it. Because you want to take some of your thoughts about the piece and add in some input to fuel discussion.

Because writers love to be read, and they love to see their content sprouted discussion.

Why comment?

Because without commenters and readers, Steemit would be a barren place, because by commenting and adding value you're helping the writer who shared that GIFT with you and you're making sure the knowledge he imparted on you isn't hitting stone walls.

Great piece Rok.

Sometimes emojis far more accurately convey how such comments make a person feel than words themselves:


Amazingly said, Max.

Why reply to a comment ?

this might get ridiculous really soon, but I thought it was a fun exercise.

Why reply to a comment ?

Because you want to let the commentator know you actually read and value what he said about the main piece of content you both consumed.

Why reply to a comment ?

Because it makes a connection obvious and it would be the right channel to exchange opinion.

  • exactly, @rok-sivante always provides an opportunity for us to respond to his post. and he also gave upvote presents for commentators who deserved to be given with interesting and good comments. and this is a very rare thing we encounter when we commented on posted people, nobody would want to do that for free besides @rok-sivante
  • and even if I don't always upvote - as haven't been lately, because my voting power is currently low and trying to build it back up - quality comments stand out and get noticed.

    while ignorant newbies spam "upvote follow me" crap everywhere, it's quality comments that draw me back to people's blogs to check out more of what they are producing. this is how support is won.

    for example, take @spiritualmax... he invested the time and energy commenting good stuff consistently. I may not have upvoted it all. but he is now on my SteemVoter list, receiving continual support every time he posts.

    bigger picture. ;-)

    This is quite emotional and a very well written post! I feel this video matches your post:


    My answer all the time:

    Because good writing allows people to feel something deep inside they never knew existed.

    I write to make them feel.

    ...allows people to feel something deep inside...

    ok, my mind went to the gutter with that one. lol. :-D

    yeah the mind goes along with the feels yo


    I like to ponder and wander around casting spells too! Who knew all those elementary school spelling tests would prove so powerful a tool ;)

    I reckon making it up as we go is really all we can do...

    I was thinking to myself something similar, thanks for informing. My initial thoughts about this were more about, why write when you could do a video and achieve similar then I read Managing Oneself and made me realize there will always be a consumer for written content.

    I know for sure programmers have to read and write instructions to machines and this interaction is not likely to disappear anytime soon.

    If nobody reads it. Even you should write it. thanks for your post😁

    I do it for the same reason that I go running. It's therapeutic and I sometimes feel more exhausted (and better) after writing than I do after a long run lol

    "Why write...?
    Because it’s an opportunity to serve."

    Wonderful message! And thank YOU for writing!

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