
@rok-sivante only a true writer would understand the reality in the lyrics you've woven together in this post. However, I feel you, and I can comprehend.

Yes...sometimes 'Paths get blocked'! Wonderful post & as a writer, I completely get it. Keep on, keeping on :)

Wow, you bent me back. It makes me think a lot about what you're saying. I'll follow you because you're a very intelligent person. Excellent work.

"The Love, The Hate, And Struggles Of Getting Thought To Paper"... Love and hate are just one step apart! Apparently... Perhaps the combination of intent, focus and "constraints" may help steer a writer's focus toward completion of their work. I'm kinda new here and I like to write... I found the #fiftywords challenge and it made me realise that a "constraint" of just 50-words really made me dwell and focus into putting some meaning into what I wrote about a topic!

very well done sir!

Welldone dear @rok-sivante upvoted check my blog if u can thanks dear plz

Sometimes it takes me weeks just to write a few sentences I'm happy with.
I can't get passed the need to be a writer and my own editor at the same time and sometimes it gets really frustrating...
Anyway, enjoyed your post. I can definitely relate to most of it.

best feedback I can give on that: just keep at it and increase the speed of your learning cycles. the more and faster you write, the faster it'll eventually come out. a year ago, I used to put alot of detailed effort into diligently crafting every single post, and going back to review and edit multiple times before publishing... the more I kept at it, it eventually got to where I just bang things out straight, no looking back, letting the words flow until hitting the publish button. as they say, practice, practice, practice... ;-)

From Voltaire, “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” Instead of pushing yourself to an impossible “perfect,” and therefore getting nowhere, accept “good.” Many things worth doing are worth doing badly.

Exercise, personal fitness.

I totally understand - words are hard. Didn't realize this until I started writing. It's really hard sometimes to convey a thought/feeling adequately. You said:

Sometimes I truly crave to write what's not ready to come out.

This happens to me ALL the time. I know what I want to say, just not how to go about it. So, I end up with half-finished posts, waiting for me to complete their message.

t'is a challenge, indeed... sometimes they turn out those half-finished ones were never meant to be published, just behind-the-scenes practice. also interesting how sometimes they can get put on the backburner for a long time, and can return to them with new perspectives to add in and finish off from a whole different angle...

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