in #writing7 years ago

Business Plan Outline:

Errand Jockey Services


Personal Service & Assistance

Log book for car miles & hours
Complimentary bullhorn
Costume uniform
100% confidential

  • No business license required
  • Sole Proprietorship
    • Private contractor
    • Accept payment direct
    • Claim on personal taxes
  • Tax code categories
    • Office
    • Cleaning
    • Yard
    • Labor
    • Transport
  • Bulk of services (transport) errands
    • Packaging/shipping
    • Delivery
    • Shopping

Market Analysis:


Target Market

  • Senior homes / care providers
  • Small businesses
  • Professors
  • Lawyers
  • County / city offices
  • Police
  • Library?
  • Medium to large sized businesses?


  1. Gas efficient vehicle
  2. My awesomeness


  1. Vehicle maintenance
  2. Appointments for me and kiddo


  1. Market need
  2. Connections


  1. Competition
  2. Lawsuit(s)


make it brief, quick and easy


  1. Helps prevent suit
  2. Answers customer questions and
  3. Outlines expectations and level of service
  4. Books repeat services with promise to pay / cancelation fee


  1. Customers don’t want to pay for time / hassle

Initial Investment

  1. Business Cards (500)……….$ 36.00
  2. Local Newspaper Ad……..….$ 50.00
  3. Flyers (10% off 1rst)…………$ 40.00 ?
  4. Bullhorn……………………….$ 50.00 ?
  5. Jockey pants / hat……………$ 100.00 ?
  6. Tank of gas
  7. Cleaning supplies

(~) TOTAL………………………….$ 300.00 ?

Expected ROI

$18 - $24 an hour
6 possible hours each weekday + 20 possible weekend hours
26 hours / week x 4 weeks = 104 hours a month
$18 x 104 hours / month = $1872 / month (average)

$1512 - $2496 a month
$2400 / month x 12 months = $28,800 a year

$18,000 (minimum) - $29,952 (maximum)


  $600 / week
  $100 a day


Robyn A Scriber’s
Personal Service & Assistance

“Confidential, personal & detailed errands for yourself or your business”
Ask about the 15% discount
(Seniors, military, & anyone signing a year-long contract)
Debit or Credit OK.
(Paypal, barter & bitcoin [and STEEM] also accepted)


[email protected]

All Rights Reserved -- Registered with the State of Oregon

Hey folks! Thanks for reading! This is for my own personal records. All transactions performed will be strictly confidential. Further posts will be in record of general, financial numbers and market trends of interest. Your feedback IS desired, however, and I would especially enjoy your opinion on whether or not I should require signed service contracts for each new client.

You're all fucking amazing! :-) Thanks for all your support! Your vote goes to support a veteran-owned single mother business!!! XOXOXO

Please leave all comments below the eggs on toast & Thanks for following! :-)

NebCat Photography



Good on you for giving this a go.
Just as a thought when you are looking at expenses etc

Double your expense amount and halve your income amount and you will be closer to reality.

Stuff always comes up, and people sometimes don't / won't / can't pay.

Another string to the bow of this service you might want to think about, particularly for the elderly is just popping in for a coffee, and check that they are ok.

We've had several instances of people dying in a flat and not being found by the council for weeks. Many old people are afraid of that sort of thing. So a service, along with running errands, that checks up on them, gives them a bit of human contact, on a regular basis, might be something else you could offer.

Just thinking out loud........

#goodtimes. Thanks for your feedback! :-) Stuff does always come up and of course I will risk losing money, I can hope for the best though lol. Either way I have established a business for my side gigs. :D And yes those older folks are gonna love me. A complimentary, optional bullhorn never hurt anyone.

What a great niche to fill, @robyneggs. I think this will take off. I would be excited to see your art offered up in the mix in some way...hmmmm...that is definitely one of your strong suits. If you lived near, I would definitely trade/barter some services with you!

Aw thanks!! Yes, I am including my graphic art services too, I'm sure someone will have a need for them. And yes, I would love to barter with you @everlove! We make a great creating team :D Thank you so much for the compliment. :-)

Thank you! More on EJ Services soon! :-)

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