The Story of the Elephant Who Taught Us About The Meaning Of Allegiance

in #writing6 years ago


Every living thing has feelings, but only human beings can speak and express. We as God's most perfect creatures must be grateful that we are given a mind, given a conscience and a sense of love and can tell it to those we love. Loyalty is expensive, and the story of the Elephant reminds us of the true meaning of faithfulness.

An Elephant in Africa, came to the body of another Elephant with a wistful face and a limp move. Elephants can not talk, can not think like humans. But they can feel the weight of losing friends, and when they have to start life again, alone.

This elephant is waiting for the corpse of a friend who is ready to be eaten by wild animals like Hyena and Bird eaters carcass. Not only that, the body of the Elephant has also been targeted by people who will take the tusk. Do you know ladies, how to take the Elephant tusk is very brutal even make the Elephant head broke up.

Do not want the corpse of his friend eaten by other animals or taken ivory, the living elephant is waiting for the dead elephant's body. He stroked the corpse of the Elephant with his trunk. Not felt, the tears of this Elephant trickle. Yes, Elephants can shed tears like humans when they are sad and upset.

The elephant is not leaving, staying with his friend's corpse until Bostwana safari officers evacuate and bury this dead Elephant. The surviving elephant stepped back alone and alone, because in the area of ​​the safari it was only the remaining Elephant. There was a sense of loss, but the elephant could not speak.

These days Elephants do not want to eat even though it has been provided by the Safari officer. Dozens of vultures and Hyenas 'wait' to prey on the dead Elephant. The surviving female elephant keeps the corpse of her friend until it is properly buried.

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