Simple Tips To Get People To Always Notice You

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


Yeah, you seem like a cool guy, lady or kid, but people hardly notice you or want to be around you. If everyone is asked to gather together in a room, you're always left or found standing at a corner all by yourself and you're wondering if something is wrong with you that is turning people away from you.

You may seem cool or look smart, yet you're always by yourself. "What can I do to get noticed or get people to get drawn to me?" You have asked yourself severally. But no workable solution seems to be forth coming. Even the ones fellow buddies in same shoes with you suggested to you is already making you look stupid and freakish before those same set of people that you are trying to gain their attention and it's making them stay away from you even more.

Look, don't stress yourself any more. I'm going to show you some simple things or attitudes you need to change about yourself or get improved on that will make you irresistible any where you are. These are not rules that automatically give you the needed attention you're looking for but the more you apply some of these tips and concentrate on building your social skills, you'll be very irresistible where ever you are. Here you go....

  • Find an interest:

What interest you? Or what do you love doing? Start getting yourself involved in things you love doing. You are very likely going to easily get noticed when you get yourself involved in things you love doing. Involving yourself in those things or activities you love doing will first bring you in contact with those that have same interests and from there you're more likely going to build new friendships and meet more people in the process

You need to understand that there is nothing as a stupid interest. Every interest has people attracted to them. Everyone must not have interest in soccer, basketball ball, cheer leading etc. The fact that they are popular activities doesn't mean that they are suitable for every one.

Look for something that interest you and engage yourself in it. Don't follow the interest of the crowd but your own interest. Let it be something you love because that is what will stand you out in it.

  • Be confident:

Confidence is a great attention grabber. Confident people are easily distinguished from the crowd because they don't always allow themselves to be swallowed by the crowd. They are engaging and are not scared to take part in functions that will get them seen.

Don't just be on the background, make yourself seen. Engage people, and behave smart. When called upon to take part in any activity, don't chicken it. When someone is needed for an illustration, volunteer to be used for such. Engage in conversation. Just relate with people. Don't bother about what you'll say just allow everything flow.

The more you make yourself stand out from the crowd, the more you're going to get noticed and the more you're likely to have more friends. Being confident can give you all that if you apply it properly. If you're a geek, that's so cool. Don't always ostracize yourself from the crowd or only choose to mix with those in your click. Be a confident geek and use your geekiness to your advantage.

Regardless of who you are, confidence will always get you seen and make you stand out

  • Be approachable:

Look neat and nice. Be someone that will be a good show off. Make yourself someone that can easily be approached.

Learn to mix up with others and involve yourself in whatever they are doing. Join in a conversation by chipping in one or two things in line with the discussion. Don't always be the odd one out. Interact and mix up. When people see that you mix up easily and are welcoming, they'll always come around you.

  • Be flexible:

People love to be around people that are flexible. You don't have to always stick to your way of doing things. Be open to new ideas and be willing to try new things.

Don't be that guy or that girl that always want to stick with "that's how it has always been done." You'll repel many people from you with such attitude. Be open to new ideas and new stuffs. Be willing to try new things and just flow with the moment.

In as much as the new thing you're about to try isn't harmful or entails any form of trouble, go for it. Don't always chicken out with the lame excuse of " that's not my thing". Give it a shot. Even if you flop in it, make it fun and enjoy the moment. You'll easily get noticed when you participate more than one you're always on the stand.

  • Be fun and lively:

This very self explanatory. Learn to enjoy life. Don't always be seen as someone that is always serious or Moody and hardly mixes up with others. Join in the groove and make your life fun.

Be a lively person. Don't always be the grumpy one in the crowd or the one that chooses to sit alone when everyone is jumping around and having fun in the jumping. Join in the jumping. That is what's going on in the moment, baby common participate in the jumping.

You'll discover that the more you join in the fun, the more you'll enjoy it and the more other people also taking part in the fun will notice you and want to be around you. Don't dull Yourself, enjoy the moment and make your life interesting

  • Try never to be what you're not:

If you're a geek or a bookworm, don't try to be what you're not. Just learn to socialize more and be confident in yourself and what you do. Don't ever try to mimic anyone or copy anyone. You're only going to be a duplicate and that's one sure way of making a fool of yourself and get others stay off you the more.

You are unique and you should never try to be a duplicate of anyone. Love who you are, be confident in yourself and flaunt it. Copy nobody, be you and try to use your uniqueness to get others interested in you.

  • Don't try too hard:

When you try too hard to get others to notice you, you're very likely going to start losing who you are and you may start presenting yourself wrongly by acting stupidly. People can actually see through you when you're trying too hard to gain their attention and it repulse them.

Don't try too hard to get anyone to notice you. Be confident, socialize, engage, be flexible while still being your real self and they'll come to you. You're not defined by the attention you get or by what people say or think. You're defined by what you think or say you are.

Just learn to enjoy life, be confident in yourself and flaunt who you are for all to see. Those that will like you will come to you and those that won't will try to bring you down. Don't concentrate on what anyone has to say about you, concentrate on yourself and try to live a happy life.

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