Writing Magic Spells of Support - Word and World Messages

in #writing7 years ago

mickey sorcery.jpg

"write down ten words randomly quickly...

who am i within these words?

booom booom boom. don't think just go. ten words inside yourself.

smooth go random serendipitous lucky fun funny serious frank decisive friend"

Smooth: I have ability to allow things to unfold smoothly, effortlessly. yet there is a part of me that stresses about how things will go before they unfold...and it's like there's a point for me to recognize and identitfy within myself that "hey" I am here always...even within the volatility of life/creation and that I am this point of "smooth" even when the experience of the moment isn't so 'smooth' or easy. In being honest with myself and having this ability to articulate myself, i enable a certain amount of 'smoothness' within and as my process journey unfoldment here.

go: direction. Specificically "self" direction. This is a point i hum and haw about sometimes. I can enable myself to stop opening things up....but do not always push the follow through. "Go for it" - really test things out. "Go FOR IT"..."You never know what is possible and how Your life may turn out" - this is the message for myself as the words of support and the fresh reminder to "Go" - Play - work on the things that you are interested in investigating. "invest' in yourself. "go into the words as the words are the world which is you. Ironically I got it and just need to keep Going.

random: Life is random to a certain extent. Yet very specific. I play/work with this well. Yet there's a bit more I can do to support myself with all the "random" support that emerges for me within my environment. Take all the random support. Random also on the flip side of not being structured and or specific in living - there's a certain amount of credence to creating my character in the world so i am not just some random dude....yet I am just some random dude. There's a play both ways here. Recognize the significance of the randomness and specificity of life processes here.

serendipitious - brilliant fortunes found by surpirse without planning and or effort. Smoothe. Lucky. Open to reading what opens up randomly. In tune with the unexpected.

lucky - when I am feeling not so lucky - consequences of moments - a fresh reminder of how lucky and fortunate I am - and to actually learn from my miss takes. Ironically it's in the moments of miss fortune and miss takes the "bad" which really enables, supports, fosters and facilitates the "luck", fortune and "lucky". Sometimes things just work out and align. Sometimes things just don't quite align. Appreciate and culitvate from the fortunate alignments - for these are lucky opportunities.

fun: Fun is to enjoy life. have fun in the very small of moments. The simple things in life create an extraordinary life. This is what makes life so fun. I got it to give. Share the fun and funny moments. There are many always here - it's a gifting from an outflow of living self-forgiving

serious - utilize this word to be real with self-honesty. The "ugly" - see the dark side of things. don't avoid the negative. Seriously go into the dark side of things...and actually use this to cultivate/create solutions of substantial depth for myself. I got serious potential. Be serious about my potential. Serious is a Series of Seeing much depth into the matters of things here.

Frank: "as a matter of fact" - be frank about things. Do not beat around the bush. Speak to the point. Concise. continue to play and work on being 'frank' matter of fact about things - "to be quite frank" is a phrase of support that can support in opening up talking direct to the beingness of my peers...it also compliments the seriousness in my expression that i have often had a tendency to suppress.

Decisive: Go with it - experiment with my investigations. It's part of "going for it" recognizing that the unfoldment of participating in new endeavors, projects, expansions, and experiments are "unknowns" and there's going to be uncertainty into the unfoldment, play out of things...key here is to be "decisive" in 'Creating' the ability to "Go For It". Create Decisive Pathways/Doors/Opportunities to Follow through on. The pathways/doors/opportunitites are already here in a way it's just a matter of tuning into what is here and being honest with myself to make/create decisive plays

11) Friend - I am my own best friend. Remember this always. Life starts with being my own best friend. In taking the best care of myself - i take care to gift myself the best life possible this life time. It's fun to be a good friend! Let relationships with 'others' be a cross reference in terms of how well I am living, 'the best friend'!

This has been an example of a creative play with words to open up and speak from the heart as how to actually work and utilize words within myself as messages to me as words and worlds of support as words are whole worlds....world views...multi dimensional perspectives into seeing my potential plays in ways that are awesome. Living my best Life/Plays

  • Point here is to allow writing and to go into the writing without thinking- theres' a multitude of support here to open up by just "going for it"


funny - the fun is in funny. Always. It's in taking note and really seeing what is here that opens up all the potential which is so much fun. The Funny is in knowing the FUN.

Have Fun


Great post, I might do a similar thing later on, I find it difficult sometimes to write and often I feel like what I'm writing doesn't matter to anyone, but in truth there is always atleast one person caring about what I write and it is myself

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