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RE: STEEMIT'S FIRST FLASH FICTION WRITING PROMPT CHALLENGE: There is a picture of you committing a crime on the morning news..

in #writing8 years ago

My coffee was my heaven that morning, as it always was. Morning time just didn't seem right without a strong brew and I gave thanks as I filled my cup. I was too groggy to think straight most mornings so I was lucky Hex had already taken care of it by the time I was up.

My brew in hand, I flipped through the periodicals on my table, also left by Hex on her way out this morning. This routine she had was a charming habit, her way of expressing affection to set up the morning just the way I liked it. I was by far the more whimsical of the two of us so she balanced it out with small, practical expressions.

I was enjoying the latest tidbits and developments when a strange headline and confusing photo caught my attention. Right on the front page of The Daily was an image of my smiling face, paired oddly with an image of someone who looked like me pointing a firearm, bag in hand, looking for all the world like they were escaping from a shattered storefront. A sinking feeling filled me as I saw the insignia on the store glass was very obviously a striking midnight crescent moon. And worst of all, in my gloved handed I seemed to be armed with a stylized, spiked pale knuckle ring. In colour, I had no doubt it would be silver.

Oh god, I thought. This can't be happening.

For someone who was unfamiliar with our city, you might think it was the crime that had shocked me awake. Oh no. It was who this doppleganger had stolen from. It might not have seemed like a big detail to anyone else, but I knew the beast of this city was tamed by the complex bonds of loyalties and politics and I had spent a lifetime cultivating the favour of the Blackmoon. I would never in any part of me risk my neck to cozy up to the tetherless Silverthorn, whose signature weapon I seemed to be holding. They had no power to speak of, no territory in this gritty city, and certainly no allies strong enough to warrant a very public attack on the city's largest family.

I couldn't understand it but I did know one thing... I'd have to run. It might already be too late.

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