Life force the energy of our lives

in #writing7 years ago

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Everything is alive with life-giving energy, yet all you see looking out at the world is solid matter. Most of us are taught from a young age everything is solid and we are given a name for it. Energy is never mentioned even when growing plants. We are told they receive water and nutrients from the soil. This is the Newtonian way of thinking.

There would be no world without this life-giving energy. This same energy in a shooting star or sprouting seeds is a part of you.

Studies show just by talking to your plants or playing music for them feeling love creates stronger plants. There are vineyards in South Africa where they broadcast classical music for better grapes.

This Vineyard Plays Classical Music to Its Grape Vines! DeMorgenzon Wine Estate South Africa

Freeing your energy

Every time you hold a grudge or hate someone you are giving away your energy. Eventually running low getting sick or even dying. That is why being like this is called being negative.

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Staying stuck in the past creates depression and low energy. You can tell when someone constantly lives in the past and mostly reflects on negative things.

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source Victoria Palacios

A change in frequency

You are driving to work and keep thinking of fighting with your boss. You grip the steering wheel while feeling victimized. Your electromagnetic field is at a very low frequency. Change it!

Begin to see a smile on the person’s face. Hear them give you a friendly good morning. You will receive what you send out.

Letting go of the past in the present moment is the trick to a happy future.

Tony Robbins quote, “The past does not equal the future.”

By living in the present with the emotions of how you will feel living your dream life. You are opening the door for it to happen. It has to happen.

Dr. Joe Dispenza says, Your thoughts are electrical and your emotions are magnetic. This creates an electromagnetic field around you. Through your thoughts and feeling, you attract the perfect life.

Source of gifs

I am sending all of you Steemians a big smile while typing this. ❤️
Throw one back at me.

Hope you like this
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Upvote @rebeccabe


Thanks for sharing such important info, Rebeccabe! I especially liked the part of letting go of the past and enjoying every single moment in the PRESENT. Life is here and now. However, past can have an advantage if used right, for example, if you will ever feel down in mood, a good way is to go to a past moment where you felt so lifted: loved, happy, fulfilled, grateful. We all have such moments... :) and those moments can really heal you back. Try observing yourself in such state, as Dr. Joe Dispenza says, you will overcome the Big 3: 1) your body (you will stop caring that much about yourself) 2) environment (you will not care where you are, because you feel great everywhere and 3) time (you will stop counting time). In elevated state we become more energetic and less material with much more possibilities! Upvoted and followed! ;)))

you are right...yay! yes the more you give thanks the more you manifest and the more you manifest the more you give away...

I like the way you write and see the world. Really interesting blogs you have here. I'll be following you! :-)

thank you :)

what a really wonderful topic and what a perfect way to talk about this topic indeed people who get into the topic in steemit i would like to thank you i do rally love the part talking about letting whatever is bad in the past and live life as it's and enjoy every single moment in our life thank you for sharing

You are welcome I'm glad you enjoyed it

yes sure waiting for other posts thank you for your wonderful posts i follow you now

A great post. I am a student of the study of all areas of consciousness, and am glad I have found your blog here on steemit. I am currently reading Dr. Joe Dispenza's newest book, "Becoming Supernatural". It is a great book, more on the ever evolving process of changing our own lives from within.

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