And no matter what you do....

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

First day on the bike at the new gig. Orders loaded in a MacGyveresque style because I had no attached bags to my bike. A list in my pocket with the addresses. Ready to go.

Too bad my phone decided to crap up on me 5 minutes after take-off. Ugh, now what?

Needless to say my first day did not start well. I stopped and for a few moments had an anxiety attack. Damn this! Why did I even think I can do that? FUCK! FUCK! <-- that's my inner dialogue kicking in. We all have this, the voice that just can't wait for a situation to start telling you how much you suck and how you are a failure and I TOLD YOU SO. For all I care, that voice can go suck a donkey's cock.
I took a deep breath and remembered the words on the cover of one of the most important books in the world: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. DO NOT PANIC.

I had a vague idea where I needed to go, had the addresses written on paper, so why not try...And so I went.
Got to the first address, had no way to call, stopped a stranger to ask for his phone. Easy. No time to overthink, no shyness.
The second was very tricky on an incredibly steep street that had a huge church at the end. Talked with some priests, almost got in the church [ thank god I did not though..] but eventually figured that I was not delivering to a saint clergy but to lawyers. Boy, hungry lawyers do tip well!

Last one I had no clue how to get there and prolly biked 3 4 km more than I needed to circling it until I saw it. YES! I am alive, everything is delivered. I made it.

It was really a great moment to remember that the no in your head is automatic but there are yes-es everywhere. A lesson in self-confidence, self-reliance and the fact that one can live without a phone. Still, I did buy an external battery the very same day. You never know.

The next day was waiting with a new surprise: SNOW.


Ha, we got the snow here too man. Nightmare! Sounds like quite the adventure without it!

it was fun! but on snow is hardcore :D

It is, skiddy madness!

Nice. Reminds me of my days as a bike messenger. Best goddamn job I ever had.

haha. no way. that's cool! there's a certain thrill to it i did not expect i'll tell you that...

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