A fattie and his bike [ part 2 ]

in #writing8 years ago

FAT + a BIKE = maybe NOT FAT anymore?

That's the equation that floated through my mind but I forgot a key variable: you actually need to RIDE the bike if you want results. OOPS!

So I was trying to figure out how to naturally integrated bike riding in a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I don't believe in forcing yourself to do stuff, because you usually give up fast...much better to be FORCED to do something. If nobody is forcing me, than I want to put myself in a situation that forces me to ride.
My best idea was to start a bike-delivery business. In a city such as mine, with hell traffic that is a continuous rush hour, a bike can deliver fast and swift. 2 hours from end to end, guaranteed. It could have worked but my business acumen is sadly lacking and the effort of starting something like this seemed daunting.

That;s how I see myself

I am not one to say that the Universe sends your way what you need, but during those days a job-announcement reached me:
"Guys with bikes wanted. Food delivery for an awesome food company. All you can eat included. PS: we also pay! "
I am a guy.
I have a bike.
I love food.
Swipe right!

And so, I went to see what's all this about. While I have more time than most, I don't have all the time in the world, I hate waking up early and I don't like obnoxious people. But, amazingly, it was quite perfect on all counts.
The gig was like that: You come in at 12, get the orders, load them on the bike, deliver them by 2. Done.
You could go back to leave the money and get some leftovers or take them with you on your way out. As one sees fit. Very relaxed as long as you can get it in time. That was the most important thing.

Well, I can do that! I looked on a map and it figures that I'd be riding about 20km per day. That's 100km per week which will for sure push me in the right non-fatty direction. Hopefully. Where do I sign up?

So here I am, getting my cardio in while getting paid to do it and loving every km of it. I think that's pretty cool: transforming a passive good [ a bike ] into an active good [ money making ] while doing something you enjoy and meeting cool people.
Is that something that a guy at 30 should be doing?
That's a big question and the answer can be rather complicated and one that i\m still struggling to finalize.

In term of results though, is it working?
I'll write more about this but there's one big thing I did not take in consideration: when you work for a food company that makes delicious desserts every day....weeeeeelllll, one will indulge :D

More on that and other struggles of the bike delivery life, in the next episode!


That's pretty neat! Best of luck!

thanks a lot! it was really neat..but then the actual thing is totally something else. i'll write about it hopefully

That sounds like an excellent plan. Get on your bike @razvanelulmarin!

it's a fun plan at least.

come on, your bike story is becoming a telenovela. get it over :D

hahahaha. but wait..there's more! :P

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