in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth but it turned plastic when my father died...the family took all the properties leaving me and my mother hunger ravaged and leading me to becoming a pathological thief at the age of twelve..
The look of hunger on his mother's face saddened him. He ran into a crowded street, sweating profusely. He spotted a nicely dressed man and ran to him.
“Please, sir. Kindly spare some money. I want to buy some food for my mother. She’s dying of hunger.”
“Go away from me,” the man scowled.
Peter followed him “Please, sir. My mother is dying.”
“If you don’t stop following me, I will slap you.
“Please, sir. Kindly spare some money. I want to buy some food for my mother. She’s dying of hunger.”
“Go away from me,” the man scowled.
Peter followed him “Please, sir. My mother is dying.”
“If you don’t stop following me, I will slap you.”
The man gave him a hard slap on the side of the face. His cheek burned with hotness as the impact of the attack threw him into the puddle of dirty water nearby. For a moment, the ten-year-old boy could see nothing. He heard the man say:
“Go and extort from someone else.”
When he opened his eyes, the man was no more on sight. He slowly got up from the puddle and continued running around, begging people to spare a coin. They all told him to go away. A few of them lied that they had no ‘change’ on them. No one believed his story; the people considered him to fall among one of the desperate beggars’ children who could yarn any falsehood to get money from passers-by. He continued begging people to save his mother, occasionally falling with tiredness and rising with determination. He was perspiring noticeably under the hot weather of that morning."I will survive".


Wow, crudo, fuerte, escandaloso, pero sobre todo muy muy bueno, fascinante escrito

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