When you're having a writer's block, don't panic

in #writing6 years ago


Instead, do something fun.

This article pretty much contradicts what I said in the past. I wrote, several times, about how not having ideas isn't an excuse to waste time, and instead of being on Pinterest or Twitter or Facebook, you should read more and consume content that may actually help you find your idea.

However, while I still agree with what I said back then, I also think that wasting time and doing something you like, something you have fun doing, can be just as useful as working harder to get out of that creative block.

The reason is fairly simple - humans are different and every one of us gets out of difficult situations in our own way. Some people love to read dozens of articles when they can't come up with something decent to write, while others try to forget about it and do something fun.

I tried both ways, and, to be honest, both resulted in me getting a decent idea. If I work really hard towards finding something to write about, I will, for sure, find a good topic to discuss. But if I forget about it and instead I start playing a game or watch a movie I will, eventually, find something interesting that will help me write something. My brain will simply work in the background while I focus on doing something I like.

The main idea behind a creative block, especially when it comes to writing, is that you have to find your own way to get over it. It may not be fun, but working more may be exactly what works for you. It may not be productive, but having fun may be exactly what you need.

Reading articles and getting advice from other people doesn't mean you should do exactly as they say. It means you should listen to their opinion and then try to do things in your own way, keeping in mind what they told you.

So, if you're experiencing a creative block in any area, don't panic, and try to get over it by either consuming more useful content, or doing something fun that will help you relax and forget about work for a while.

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