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RE: You don't always need to be helpful

in #writing6 years ago

That's exactly why sometimes I just stop thinking and worrying too much about what I create and I just put things out there.

In some cases I write things for hours and expect them to do well, just to receive a few cents in return, while for posts that I wrote in less than 10 minutes I get a lot more money and followers.

Worrying too much about what we do with what we create often leads to nothing but anxiety and headache. Doing things just for the sake of doing it is, in most situations, the best way, at least for me.


I actually wrote a post about exactly that. The comments are maybe better than the post.

Just finished reading your article, sorry it took me so long to respond, I usually disconnect from anything related to work on weekends and I just focus on doing something different.

I really liked how you described the idea of quality and how Punk was a radical idea, mainly saying how quality was a "bogus". I do not agree with that, same as you, and I do believe that there is a clear different between low and high quality, even if what people consider to be good is not defined by a set of written rules, but by common sense in general.

I think quality comes with practice and work. Taking your time and working on one project every few months, as you did with your paintings, can help you make a lot of progress, but it's an extremely slow process and it usually doesn't get you much. Creating for others, hoping to get noticed and being a perfectionist is great, but in a lot of situations it just takes away your opportunity to just create.

Instead of working on one project for a year just to share it and get noticed by 10-15 people, you could instead work on something daily and get noticed, every day, by someone who takes an interest in what you do.

Art in general is weird. Creating often is a good strategy. Taking your time and working as much as you need is also a good strategy. Thinking too much can result in your art being bad, while not thinking about it at all can result in failure.

I personally think art in general shouldn't be looked at as being a complex process that takes years to understand. I think art should just be, and people should just create things whenever they want to, without worrying about how well they perform and how others will react.

After all, art is a way of expressing something, and as long as we express what we want, even a simple square on a blank canvas is enough, at least for certain people.

I agree with you in many things. You have some good observations. Art is not complex communication in itself - some people can get into a thing others take years getting into. It is fluid and it most often survive the most outrageous claim (Like quality being bourgeois oppression :)

This might not be the case with advertising, technical descriptions, life advice, theology etc. but mostly because the end goal, the usability of the method is strictly defined.

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