If you want writing to be easy, practice

in #writing7 years ago


I remember how hard was to write the first time I did it. I was spending a lot of time trying to come up with subjects for articles, to figure out how to write good sentences and how to share my ideas in a good way, all in order to create high quality content. It was time consuming and tiring.

Today writing is easy. I can come up with subjects pretty fast and if I'm not really tired, I can write a few articles in a fairly short amount of time. For those who never really wrote anything in their life and who want to get to this level, it seems really hard or even impossible. For those who are already at this level or above, they know all it took was a lot of practice.

Writing is one of those things you cannot get good at without practicing. Maybe you would be able to learn how to build computers without building dozens of them, or maybe you could get decent at repairing cars without actually repairing cars, just because you know how to do it. However, when it comes to writing, if you don't practice, you'll never get at the level you want to be.

The great thing about this is that practicing writing is pretty damn simple. All you need is an idea, and a computer (or a pen and a piece of paper). Then you can start writing. You can spend an hour in front of your notebook or computer trying to write an article or a story as well as you can, and when you're done you can post it somewhere online and ask for feedback.

After that all you have to do is see what other people created. My opinion is that to become good at writing, you need to learn how to read a lot. You know that quote "Good artists copy, great artists steal"? It applies to writing as well. A good writer will try to copy the work of someone else in an attempt to create something. A great writer will read the work of others, see how they did it, steal their technique and then use it to create something unique.

So, basically, practicing writing comes in two parts: first, the writing part, where you need to spend an hour a day putting words on paper, sharing your ideas, expressing them, trying to explain them and making sure the reader understands what you write and second, the reading part, where you have to spend hours reading the work of others, learning new words, learning how to create better sentences and then applying all that to your own work.

Getting good at writing isn't as hard as you may think. It's just really time consuming. The more time you spend doing it, the better you get at it. For example, when I first started publishing on Steemit I was barely able to publish once a day, and doing it twice was a complete nightmare. I wasn't good at writing at all and I was spending a lot of time creating anything.

However, now that I have some experience and I became decent at writing, more or less, I can easily write two articles for Steemit in around 30 to 45 minutes, depending on what I write, then spend the same amount of time editing everything and then publish. At the end I still have a lot of time to do whatever I want with my day and work on other things.

All that didn't involve hard practice and a lot of skill. All I did was write, and read. Every day. And that got me here. I'm still at a pretty low level compared to most people out there and I'm still trying to improve all the time, but I made some progress and I believe you can do the same. Just take your time every single day to write and read, and you'll get where you want to be faster than you'll expect.


Insightful article, thanks!

I also suffer from not being able to write articles. I used to, back in '12 but since that, it seems like my ability "faded away". Too often, I feel I lack the ideas.

Also tried writing novels, and actually had some mediocre success, but I still don't know if I'm a good writer and now, I barely have time to exercise it.

But still, I know that practice is always the major contributing factor to success.

Thanks for the comment!

Yes, practice will help you get over those problems, especially when it comes to the writing itself. The way to get more ideas and to find topics to write about is by consuming content.

For me, if I spend time reading, finding nice images, watching some videos and even movies from time to time and I pay attention to the topics approached in those things, I usually get some ideas about what articles I may be able to write on Steemit or other places.

Reading can help as well with the lack of ideas, especially if you read on Medium, where people write about a lot of things.

Thanks again for the comment :)

is by consuming content.

Daaaaaaaaaaamn yes. I spectacularly failed at that in the last 5 years. And not only regarding reading, but about everything.

But even I noticed that when I do it, I can learn a lot, especially since I became familiar with TV Tropes and I analyze "author tools".

Now if only I can be patient enough to read...my attention span is suffering.

Thanks for replying!

Glad to hear you started consuming content again. We're so obsessed with making progress every day that we forget how important content consumption is, especially for content creators.

And one tip I could give you when it comes to reading is to find something you really enjoy. It will help you keep yourself focused, because you'll be interested in the topic.

For example, it's always useful to learn about money, taxes and economics. However, while I know I should learn more about those things, even after 12 hours of sleep, whenever I read any article about economics, I just want to go to bed. It's extremely boring and tiring for me and I'd rather do something different.

However, when I read fantasy, when I read about self development, work and other similar things I'm interested in, I can easily read 10 articles in a row without losing my energy, or over 50 pages a day without getting bored.

You can try to find the topics you really like reading about and in the future you'll see how easy it will be to read for hours without getting distracted.

Thanks for your reply as well :)

Excellent post, very well articulated. thank you so much.

Thank you :)

I got some ideas on your post. For no English speaking like me is harder to write because I have to think the right words and spelling as well as the grammar...But as you said, practice is what I need. Thank you @raikuhen I'm following you now...

Glad I helped, and thank you for your comment and for the follow! Keep practicing and you'll get better in the future :)

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