Creating useful content

in #writing6 years ago


Since June 2017 I've been sharing with you all kinds of useful information (or what I think may be useful to you) in an attempt to offer some value to the people following me and get some rewards for all the work I've been putting in on this website.

I can't say I regret anything. The Steemit community rewarded me more than I expected for everything I did, for which I'm very grateful.

However, is useful content the only way to grow on Steemit? Do you really need to share information meant to help others, or is there any other way to make money or gain a lot of followers without focusing on helping people?

I think there is, and I really think that useful content has its place, but shouldn't be the only thing people create. I believe that you could create almost any type of content as long as you apply a few rules when doing that, and you'll still succeed.

Those rules are pretty simple - first, work on something you're proud of. Quality is extremely important, and if you create something you're proud of, then people will notice that and they will react to it. If you create garbage, people will see that too and they will ignore you and your content.

Second rule is to be consistent. You can create amazing content and if you do that, you may gain something in return, but if you don't do it often enough, everyone will forget about you. Focus on publishing as often as you can without dropping the quality.

Third rule is to be patient. Most of those who experienced success overnight are lucky, and only a few of them actually achieved that because of all the hard work they did. The rest of them had to be consistent, to create good content, and to wait for people to discover them.

If you apply those three simple rules, you have chances of succeeding creating all types of content. If you're drawing, you don't need to publish 10 times a day or to share something amazing once a year. Share your daily sketches with people and write a little bit about your process. That should be enough to help you succeed in a fairly short amount of time.

If you're a photographer, you don't need to take dozens of pictures every day and spam everyone with them. Take a good photo a day, something you like, an image that means something to you, and write about that. Doing that even once a day should be what you need to get people's attention.

And if you're a writer, well, then you can write about anything you want. Fantasy, personal development, comedy or mistery, whatever you wish to write, you can succeed with that. There's no specific path you need to follow in order to get something in return for your work.

Sure, if you want to get a lot of money and to gain thousands of followers, then you may have to do a bunch of things and figure out what works best. Maybe there's a certain topic you can approach to gain the attention of a lot more people. But until that time comes, and until you figure out what the topic you need to write about in order to get big is, you should just do what you want.

Don't focus on creating useful content just because others succeeded doing that. I personally enjoy writing about personal development and how to work better because those are the two things I focus on daily, and creating content about them is not hard for me.

You may be interested in a completely different thing. Even if it's taking selfies, if you do it amazingly well, then you may experience some success. Find something you like, do it really well, and you'll get something in return for your work.


As they say, YMMV=your mileage may vary. Everyone's experience will be different. What works for some, won't work for others. I believe it's best to share what we know & enjoy. The views, resteems, votes, followers & earnings will build over time. I wish you success with all of your endeavors.

That's exactly what I wanted the message of this article to be. Thank you :)

You're welcome. I think there's much we can learn on here. I tend to be the hands on, trial & error, learn as I go type. Of course, I get much information through reading as well. Sometimes we get a boost in life through others. I'm new to Steemit, but, will do my best to help others. I've seen examples of people doing that on here.

Improving through trial and error is pretty much essential. Sure, you can learn from others, but you won't know what works and what doesn't until you try doing something yourself.

Also, good luck on Steemit, keep working and don't be discouraged if you don't receive anything on your articles - rewards will come in time :)

Then there are those who make the same mistakes over & over, thinking that they'll have a different result each time. I've only been here a couple of weeks. One of my favorite words is, possibilities. Who knows what awaits me? I'm sure that it will be an interesting journey.

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