Ether Rabbit - Chapter 2 - Distraction

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Chapter 2, Distraction

It wasn't until three days later that I actually called the phone number. I got distracted by issues in my life that are known for being distracting, the most notable of these being my current relationship. I met my girlfriend Coria at one of those outdoor concerts, some horribly pretentious event put together by the Art community at a local amphitheater. The event was called 'An Evening of Arts' and featured small tents of ridiculous artwork all created by hemp-wearing and bare-footed 'free spirits' that I had a sneaking suspicion probably arrived in some sort of luxury sedan and carried Visa platinum credit cards.

The culmination of the event was a live performance of a folk music group that everyone accept myself seemed to know and it was while walking through the crowd of yuppies swaying back and forth to the heartfelt rhythm of an out-of-tune viola caipira that my path crossed with Coria. If you summon up any image of a late-twenties massage therapist, you will probably find that there are many common factors between them, and that these stereotypes decribed her perfectly. Coria, a tall woman with straight jet-black hair, her skin bronzed by the excessive amount of time spent on a bicycle, caught my attention quite suddenly when she elbowed me in the face.

This wasn't a direct assault by any means and it hardly hurt, but the unexpected strike caused me to misstep in a bit of mud and I went down hard to one knee. Coria seemed more shocked than I was that she had knocked me down with one of her dance moves and immediately came to my rescue. She helped me unsuccessfully attempt to remove the mud from my black slacks and from there we spent the rest of the evening together.

That was one year ago. Things were unfortunately much different from our drunken and muddy boxing match in the park. At some point, most likely before we met, Coria had developed a life-sucking amount of emotional co-dependency in relationships--an amount I frequently failed to adequately reciprocate based on the almost daily tantrums she would now gift upon me through text-messaging.

It was after the most recent emoji-laden tirade from sweet Coria, while I sat on my couch in my apartment trying to reassure myself that her thin well-toned body was definitely worth the special brand of crazy attached to it, that I realized I had unfinished business in the realm of bad ideas. I swiped open my inbox and opened the email for the second time.

Cryptocurrency Manager Offer - Please Respond

Mr. Leveret,

Thank you for contacting us with your information. After consideration we have selected you for Manager.
Call us at 800-732-2212 to arrange your orientation.

Mr. Yun.

It all seemed very legitimate and not at all suspicious, nor did I have any reason to doubt that this was in no way anything other than a perfect employment opportunity presented to me without so much as a verbal conversation--now that I was no longer sane.

I wrote the number down on a scratch pad on my coffee table and resigned myself to calling them in the morning.

Back to Chapter 1 | Read Chapter 3


Ether Rabbit is a living story I am authoring exclusively on Steemit. If the story shows support, I will continue it. If support goes away, the story ends. I'll let the community decide. @rabbt

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