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RE: Personal Story Slam Challenge 1 - Anarcho-Andrei Rising

in #writing7 years ago

There's so much here that I can resonate with, I mean... that's why there's an "archy" at the end of my name

Back in my early 20's when I decided to enlist, I called it jumping into the belly of the beast to understand the whole creature. I thought I was doing my introspective self a favor by trying to understand the greater world around me. All I did was rip away that thin veil of pretense separating 'civilian' life from what the world is actually like.

I jumped into the belly of the beast all right... I just didn't realize I had already been inside its mouth my entire life.

Thanks so much for sharing and participating, your username is as awesome as you are!


I really and truly felt, when I took my oath of enlistment, that I was still serving the Constitution. Like the IIIers and the Oath-Keepers, I thought that I had a higher duty. It wasn't until later on that I realized what an absolute farce the whole thing was, and how horrific the actual enterprise of war - and the state in general - actual was.

Like they taught me in Basic: life is garbage. Embrace the suck. And it sucked hard when I realized just how awful the state really is.

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