All is fair in love and war!!....Is this statement legitimate?🤔

in #writing6 years ago

All of you must have heard a statement i.e everything is fair in love and war. probably most of you do agree from it.
Today, I am up with my opinion and thought process regarding this statement. I do not believe in it. as it is not fair enough.
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Love is a deep feeling and so is hate. As excess of everything is bad. and if the statement "all is fair in love and war" is true and fair enough then killing soldiers who fight for their nation is correct! throwing acid on girls by rejected guys is correct! rapping a girl because of "love" is correct! hitting people out of anger is correct! killing people in the name of religion is correct! Isn't it?

No, not all is fair in love and war, there is always few limits which needs to be followed in every relationship of love and war. respect and limits should always persist.
You guys decide whether is it legitimate to say All is fair in love and war!!


This is a very insightful post and I agree with your perspective.
If not so, some crimes like the ones you listed shouldn't be considered crimes as the perpetrators had reasons for doing them.

Exactly this is what I wanted to highlight. Thanks for showing keen interest here.

I agree with you, because I also prefer to deny the slogan "all is fair in love and war", which is widely spread on this world.

The problem is, most people use the word "inflationary" and don't know what real love is, so they think it's ok to do whatever is necessary to get what they want, during these people think love is the same as necessities which they want to satisfy.

Real love means your love is more important in your opinion as yourself, it means the luck of another person has priority for you, more than your own, so love is the only thing which is able to lever out laws of nature (normally your luck has priority for you, before love overwhelms you when you didn't to reckon with this) and gives you the best feeling/sense in your life.

People who follow the "Perverted Version" of love, which has to satisfy their own necessities will never understand it, during they try on their wrong way to get this.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

I appreciate and thank you for showing keen interest on my blog. I agree from your point of view. love is beautiful and should always be selfless. and you always share good piece of information which tends to be productive. moreover I loved the way you described love in the last paragraph. I adore you for it.

Thank you so much, the last paragraph was a passage of the bible, but I share this view to 100%.

I had never read Bible. But My knowledge always increases as you share about it.

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