I am in BONDAGE, I want to BREAK FREE

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

What does being free means?

Out of Bondage.
Bondage is the state of being enslaved, state of lacking freedom, constraint.

What bondage are you in?

  • sex maniac?
  • gambling?
  • drug?
  • poverty?
  • unemployment?
  • freedom?
  • >In order to save myself, I must destroy first the **ME** I was told to be. Some of us are not living the way we want to, we're being controlled. We're being enslaved, for us to get out of the chain, the first thing we should do is to destroy that other person in us and get free.

    How to break the chain of a **TRAPPED LIFE**

    1. Work on yourself, make yourself better. 2. Surround yourself with good and strong people. 3. Get rid of useless commitments. 4. Let go of the past and realise your essence, your purpose and your dreams.

    Walk away, run away, fly away and just don't stay in the cage {be brave}

    How to break the chain of being a __SEX ADDICT__

    _Meditate on these words,_ >_I don't need this, I can figure it out by myself._
    1. Find a mentor.
    2. Confess to a trustworthy and wise person
    3. Get accountability.
      -Accountability is the state of being responsible and liable for.
    4. Accountability must be consistent.
    5. Accountability requires honesty.
    6. Accountability is not the solution to addiction but it breaks bad habit.
    7. Get counseling
    8. Find a group
    9. Read right books, articles.

    Freedom is worth fighting the temption and bondage in your life without rest or moderation.

    How to break the chain of **GAMBLING**

    Gambling is brutal and highly destructive, it can lead to different consequences like bankruptcy, job loss, depression, anxiety, loss of friends and worst of all **suicide**.

    let's look at this

    Remember the feeling when you lose lot of money at casino, Bet9ja or any other gambling processes, when you've lot of money, there's one feeling that you'll have to gamble one more time and that one more time becomes several times.

    The reason why gambling is dangerous is because of its related risk of SUICIDE

    1. Take a break
    2. Find a replacement activity
    3. Remember how bad it feels to lose
    4. Educate yourself about gambling addictions
    5. Find Self Help materials
    6. Find a support control
    7. Hand over control of your money to a trustworthy person
    8. Make a financial plan
    9. Get a good counsellor
    10. Get in the right environment


  • You'll be stronger
  • You'll be happy
  • You'll gain freedom
  • Image Hosted At MyspaceGens >The best flights are taken only after you have the courage to break away from the chains that bind you, you can't touch the sky if you can't get out of your comfort zone. Sulekha Pande

    Image source:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

    Thanks to @jodipamungkas @fisteganos for helping me with my badge


    Being in bondage is such a terrible thing and it feels painfully awful when one is. You feel chained by your own apparent lack of self control and worse still by your inability to break free. We all become addicted to something at various points in our life, just like right now myself and many others have become addicted to the steemit platform and for good reason too though, but striking a balance on the scale of our life's priorities becomes crucial so we don't end up taking or doing things way beyond their recommended limits and we must strive hard to ensure that we don't get too attached to trivial and unimportant things and most importantly, the wrong things as well. This is because being addicted to the wrong things pushes us even further away from our very own conscience and humanity, since when the conscience is shut down and left to operate in the shadows without giving it a listening ear, it dies off gradually until it becomes dead and silent and as such is unable to come into play to help us even if we wanted it to. And it takes a great deal of effort and a fair amount of time to resuscitate a dead conscience and even when one eventually manages to do such, it may not function effectively or efficiently as before.

    And although several school of thoughts differ in their interpretation, understanding and apparent judgment of what is right or what is wrong, a living conscience helps in this regard and also applying the golden rule also definitely helps. Be it gambling, sex, alcohol, drugs and what have you, just like you earlier mentioned, addiction which is in many ways cancerous and damaging to the human mind, body and soul is best tackled while still in its infant stage. And being honest with oneself helps to identify such early stages of addiction. Thanks a lot for sharing.

    Exactly, addiction is damaging to the human mind, body and soul. Thanks for reading and sharing my point of view. God bless @blessing97

    Detailed response!

    @plojslydia Thank you for your work, I invite you to evaluate my work.

    Thanks for reading and re

    Wow... Great post

    Awesome piece there

    Thanks for reading dear

    Wow nice post

    This is wonderful. This will actually save a soul who is under the chain/bondage of any type. which is one of the goal of steemit. to help peoples Keep it up.

    Yeah exactly, thanks for reading and understanding my point

    You are welcome. That is the essence of reading to get the message

    I loved your post, but I have a question, is freedom truly being free?

    Freedom is not free unless you are ready to make some sacrifices. Thanks for reading @leadent360

    Wow I'm definitely Resteeming this nice piece dear

    Thanks for reading and resteeming dear

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