LSD - First time down the rabbit hole

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

I have tried to put into words what happened during the fifteen most intense minutes of my first LSD trip. Anyone that has taken psychedelics knows that it's very hard or even impossible describing what has happened afterwards. It is just impossible to put everything that happens into words, but I have done my best to give you a sense of what my experience was like.

I laid down on the blanket and looked up at the sky, which all of a sudden looked strangely unfamiliar, like it was alive and had a mind of it's own. The sky was all covered with large colorful clouds, that were flowing and swirling in a mesmerizing, beautiful way. It gave me a sense of inner peace and happiness.

A man was dancing in the sky. He turned into a ancient warrior. An archer, a sword-man, a guardian. He moved around and showed me different stances, like he was trying to tell me something. The clouds changed colors and floated across the sky, at an ever so increasing speed. All of a sudden, a hole in the clouds opened up and I could see the stars.

Behind the stars everything was dark, a complete and utter darkness which I didn't even knew existed. As I looked up at this darkness, the universe dropped down towards me at great speed. I felt it in my stomach, like I was being dropped from great height, like on a huge, never ending roller coaster. I felt infinitely small and I got the feeling that I was going to disappear into the darkness, into the void. But just as fast as the universe had dropped towards me, it retreated. The hole in the clouds closed, and I went back to looking at the man in the sky.

I laid there on the blanket all by by self, and in a way I wanted to be alone. I enjoyed it. Everything was beautiful and I felt an inner peace. I closed my eyes and saw a beautiful, complex world of geometrical shapes and endless patterns that were forever repeating themselves. When I opened my eyes I could still see the colorful clouds and the man in the sky, but after a while the two started to merge together. Soon it became difficult to know when my eyes were open, and when they were closed...

My inner peace faded, and my mind started working… Time had passed, what felt like at least a few hours or maybe more. I thought about all the people that were passing by, and that no one had talked to me or checked up on me. I couldn't understand why my friends hadn't returned to me... I was getting anxious and uncomfortable. Here I was, completely and utterly alone... More alone than I had ever been in my entire life.

I could hardly feel my body and I didn't know if I was awake or not, if I would die, or if I was already dead... As the fear grew in my mind, I felt my body dissolving and breaking up into million different pieces that drifted farther and farther away from me. I tried to hold on to whatever I could, but it was impossible. I could no longer feel my body, and I wasn't even sure if I had ever had a body. Everything I knew was fading away, and I didn't know how to stop it...

Suddenly everything started to make sense and I stopped fighting the inevitable. For some reason it didn't matter if it was dangerous or not, I just knew there were no reason to be afraid... I let go of my last known bit of this world, and everything I knew fell apart. I left the remaining parts of my body and went into the void...

Everything turned white. A bright white, crystal clear, beautiful light filled every corner of the void. I felt everything and noting at once. I saw everything and noting simultaneously. I didn't exist anymore, instead I felt like everything - every person, every animal, every tree and every living being. Nothing existed, but at the same time everything existed as a whole. Everything was nothing and nothing was everything. I saw several sunrises, I felt eternity, I was gone forever...

Seconds later, without any warning, I was being shoved back into my body. I was extremely confused, not able to understand what had just happened. But knew I was me, and I knew who me was.. I opened my eyes and felt unbelievably euphoric and I felt more alive than ever before!


I just found this picture like an hr ago, it seriously describes my lsd experiences. coincidence?

 photo 13882097_845838942219499_1709073861170103633_n_zpsbbjlshb7.jpg

Cool pic, very trippy indeed ^_^

Interesting experience, do you remember the dosage for this trip?

The tab was supposed to be 120ug, but I'm pretty sure they weren't that strong. I have taken stronger tabs several times after that and generally tripped harder, but I never had an experience like what happened the first time again. It's surprising what low doses of LSD can do if you're in the right state of mind.

Thank you for your ability to articulate your experience :)

Seemed like quite the heavy trip you had there. I would have needed a change of underwear if I had experienced all of that XD

Thanks for sharing! <3

Haha, I'm sure you would have been fine :D Thank youuuu <3

Thanks for sharing your experience. There is a lot of research currently ongoing into the healing power of psychedelics like LSD. Hopefully we will see change back to the past attitude where substances weren't demonised in the way they are today.

I've always been interested in psychedelics and empathogens, and I think they could potentially help a lot of people. They have truly changed my life for the better, allowed me to see my problems from a new angle and work with them. More and more people seem more open to the world of psychedelics, so I'm hoping the change will happen soon. :)

great immersive writing! I felt like I was with you on that trip! I'll be following!

Thank you ^_^

Hey pixielolz. I dig your writing style and will be following you. I am new here and starting to try to get back to writing myself and been posting. Please if you have time give me a read, and if you can, comment and give me feedback. That is what I am seeking more of at this point. As an aside, you ever try DMT? Some call it the working man's LSD as it only lasts a short time (and i've know a few psychonauts that fit that description), but it is not for the faint of heart. VERY POWERFUL and not to be abused (in my humble opinion), but worth it for the insights, inscapes you seem to enjoy. Be well and hope to hear from you.

Thank you :) Yeah, I have tried it, but since I don't smoke at all, I had a hard time smoking it, it's very harsh. I got some effects, but not a breakthrough. Will probably be trying it again one day, but it's a bit hard to come by.. And yes, psychedelics (or any drugs for that matter) should not be abused. I always do very thorough research before deciding if trying a drug is worth it (positive sides vs risks). I'm only interested in psychedelics and empathogens, and there are only a few drugs that I actually choose to do myself. :)

I'll be checking out your stuff tomorrow, I only got to read some of it today, but I really liked it, so I gave you a follow :)

That is a very wise approach. In my youth I was the same way. In my wilder 20's I did at time get what I would now consider slightly reckless, but the reasons for that I may explain in a future post. For now, I wish you safe experiences. Like Leary and Alpert would say, set and setting are of the utmost importance and as I can tell you are already aware- intention. What are you doing? Why? Who with? To what end? etc. I hope to hear more from you, appreciate your time, and wish you well.

Great post!
Its very hard to describe the feeling acid, i think even one day after the trip
you are no more capable of understanding the feelings of it.
It's kind of a sacred feeling.
Keep it going bro=)

Loved reading your trip report. Very engaging. Also, username checks out :P

Following. Keep sharing please :)

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