The Scene: The Never Ending Underground London Rave Scene (2015-2016) (Part 1: Worshipville) Chapter 1

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Based on true events:

Chapter 1:

It was a typical day for a group of men in a van in traffic on a busy London road. It was a sunny afternoon and a couple of the men were complaining as they had been getting too hot in the back of the transit van all day and the guys in the front got to chill, everyone in front was laughing sharing a spliff while the guys in the back where trying hard to hold on for dear life. 

The driver, Kyle had a big spliff in his mouth which he intermittently dropped by way of opening his mouth as he had noticed a police car in the side mirror approaching slowly in the next lane. The police were still a few cars behind luckily and hadn't yet managed to log the vans registration  plate in to the automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) which if it did would mean an instant pull as the van was not insured and he would definitely lose his license as there were passengers in the back of van with no seating or windows. 

Calmly and collectedly he realised he could slide in to the same lane as the police and be in front by enough cars that he could possibly get away with not being seen on the ANPR cameras which are really good in 2014. Swiftly he proceeded to indicate right without alerting the others so as not to cause panic and basically attempted to barge in to the next lane, this would have caught the police cars eye obviously but it was too hard for them to do anything, and after a quick honk from the car he had just out manoeuvred the driver Kyle had got away with it.

Kyle alerted everyone and told the lads in the back to put out any spliffs in case the police got a waft, another few minutes in traffic and the police turned off and they were in the clear.

Kyle got on his phone and rang Back street Raul his insurance guy and swore down the phone at him to put his insurance on in the next hour or he would not be happy. Kyle has to use Back street Raul as Kyles insurance quote from a high street brokerage is over £8000 a year which is impossible so people like Raul can get it all cheap and off the book through some shared insurance schemes at his family insurance brokerage and everybody is happy. Raul is doing this without his families knowledge and therefore has to re-insure every car every month so nobody can find out, by having to do at least 150 cars a month meaning 5 or 6 cars a day you can begin to understand the headache he goes through providing £50 monthly insurance to almost 200 dodgy people a month. His problem is he can't tell anyone and no-one else can do it for him, so by taking on so many jobs he's being greedy which is causing people like Kyle to bear the brunt of his mistakes and this ends up with people who thought they were insured having no insurance or people who have paid for insurance from him and are waiting for ages for him to sort it out. As you can imagine this can be very problematic for criminals luckily no-one has every met Raul if they had he'd have a lot to answer for. Just a guy you can call to get on the road. 

The Van pulls up along side a fence on a slip road off the A13 highway near to a bus depot infront of a building called Worshipville a closed down church with a big TO LET sign on it.  The oldest and wisest of the lot is the passenger at the window his name is Gary, he jumps out of the van and starts walking round the fence slowly. Gary is a veteran he has been doing this for years, if a party went down in London between 2008 and 2016 he not only knew about it he could tell you the specs of the sound systems, the names of the promoters, the bar staff, it goes on. He was sharp and there weren't much sharper. A few came in the game and tried but didn't last as long as Gary. 

Gary came back to the van with a squint in his eye smiling "right we're in, there's a gap in the corner of the fence lets go" the passenger in the middle, Jethro (Jeff) was apprehensive, whilst jumping out asked "how we gonna get in?" Gary always had the answers and quickly replied confidently "one of my squatter pals tried to get in there last week to live in there, he told me he took off the air conditioning vent so there's a big hole on the wall as well, we just have to bunk Barry through and he can let us in through the fire exit!"
       "Why ain't your pal staying here no more?" Jeff asked again still in disbelief,

         "He said its too far from any shops so he just stayed here one night after it closed and he didn't go back for a couple days and when he did there where people inside" Gary started laughing, "trust me fam were sorted, lets go"

With that someone opened up the back door and off they went to the air con hole. They pulled  away a piece of wood left to block the damage caused and in Barry hopped. Minutes later Barry had opened the fire exit and they were in........

Please leave some comments and tell me if you think I should continue the story, its just an idea for now and the fact I have friends that are connected to the scene, people might actually like it. I don't want to get anyone in trouble though so I've told everyone I'll be sure that whatever they contribute to the story will only be loosely used, as in, anything incriminating will be completely edited out by way of alteration that nobody is implicated yet the essence of 


This story is from the view of eyewitness accounts and other information gained on social media. I the Author am in no way connected to any events or persons in this story and deny all responsibility or affinity toward breaking the law.the story is not lost. The story is about to begin though it has already ended.



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