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RE: Slaughterhouse: Part 13 - The plot thickens

in #writing7 years ago

Okay... this was the fastest chapter release so far. The plot really thickens! I'm seeing a twist coming... who will end up being the real villain, and the hero?

All these just because @braveheart29 didnt want to kill off Clarabelle. 😂


I can't even tell how long it took me to write this, but it was below 1 hour for sure! Maybe 45 minutes?
It's the fastest I've ever written anything! haha :D AAAAND it's the longest wall of text that I didn't divide into parts. ~1800 words. Pretty awesome. :P

Ah yes, the options are open now, and frankly, we're going down the justice path.
John Svashta's heart is pure; you didn't think I'd jeopardize my own character now, did you? ;D No, no, no, I'm spinning the tale so as to make John Svashta the hero! Even if he's now turned into a vegan! :P

Hahhaa yeah! :D But still, it's amazing how far we've come (so far) off a "simple" writing prompt. It amazes me because we've introduced so many new characters, included so many new plots, and just... oh my.... It really shows the creativity, doesn't it? Taking one thing and going; "How about this isn't the end of it? How do I continue?" and then actually making it happen... It's amazing! :D

I'm also happy to have you back on board! And I'm happy you enjoyed reading! :D

You know I always enjoy your writing. And @braveheart29 is awesome too!☺

Hmm... John Svashta the hero? Will our dear @braveheart29 allow that? Well, it's her play next.

Thanks! I'm very very happy to hear that! :D

Let's hope she doesn't read these comments of ours and we pretend we know nothing bout John Svashta being the hero. What do you say? ;) haha :D

Sure! What Hero??

Hahahaha! 😂

I know nothing.

What is this entire post about anyway?

John is already a hero, he has gone vegan and is about to start soya bean farming!

I have to say that I am really enjoying our writing together. I’ll let you in on a little secret, I was never a writer of anything up until September, I considered myself more of an artist. When I lost my father in 2013, I stopped doing anything creative, until now. So thank you @svashta for helping to reignite my creative spark. I look forward to further collaborations. Great fun!

Also I’m not vegan, but I am an animal lover.

He's vegan for now. What if the entire fiasco about Clara and Bob goes sour? Does the mind control effect wear off? We can't know where the story is going just yet! ;P We need part 14! (And part 15 and 16 and 17 and .... after that! ;D)

I'm sorry for your loss and very happy to have helped! Hopefully I continue to "force" you into more creativity and collaborations! ^^
And I won't lie. Your comment made my heart feel real warm. Thank you. Very much.

I'll share something of my own, too ^^ I never wrote anything until August this year either. I was always the "science kid". I can draw stickmen, but that's about it. I had the imagination, but never knew how to convey it. Writing seems to do it for me ^^. And I'm happy to share it with somebody like you. In fact, checking my "stories" folder; I wrote my first story on the 19th of August.
I partly blame my Slovene (my native language) professor back in high school who downright hated me. I always got Cs and Ds for essays and whatever needed be written. Took my will to write. I guess it's also part of the reason I enjoy writing in English a lot more than I do writing in Slovene.

Nevertheless, the gratitude goes both ways. Thank you very much for creating this piece of art with me and presenting me with ever new challenges! I'm always happy and scared at the same time when I see you've posted the next part of Slaughterhouse. I like that feeling! ^.^

I'd say the same about myself! ^.^ I'm much like John svashta used to be. I love animals, but I'm surely not denying a good steak! ^^ So I guess John Svashta isn't completely fictional. :p

Aww! You two are making me mushy with all these! ☺ If these are your 'beginner' stage writings, you're both going to turn out incredible. The world of readers and writers are glad to have you!

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