Smells Like Shit

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Obviously, what did you think it was?

Some clever person once said that

"Insanity is doing the same thing over & over again and expecting different results."

Well, clearly this person did not get to experience computers and the magic of turning it off and on again.

But it does say a lot about how we look at the world, people, situations and ourselves.

Similar to me doing 10 push-ups a day and being upset that I am not bulk after a month, expectation is something that starts small and for whichever reason needs to be amped up until it drops that base.

"Totally fucking amped now Bru. I expected this, increasing my steroid usage would make me uber bulk, check my pecks Bru, only 10 pushups a day. "
Said by a not so clever person

Doggy thinking

Now I don't go around expecting things, in general, be it a situation, people or myself.

So I thought

Like most things in life it is a nice big void of grey, flickering lights in the distance, the thoughts and opinions of others I do not care for, some brighter some fainter, lost in their own little shroud of expectation, some give form to what they expect in the most obvious ways, they use it as an image and will be hidden from view choking on the toxic fumes which they create.

This is nothing we all do not already know as we are perfectly capable of identifying expectant motives, actions, and those fucking eyes.

"I have a wife and shit (she is alive), please help me"

standing on the street and we expect him to be lying, but we give some money anyhow because he expected us to discount the change as not much. That afternoon we maybe follow Bob and he was lying, but we are happy that we could help pay for his wife's funeral, you know we did not expect him to use the money for a good cause.

Now I am not really sure if I am in home stretch yet but it sure feels like it.

I almost words

They say don't judge others, or a book by its cover but I can bet you 9/10 wait make that 9/11 that if the book cover sucks the book is probably a bit shitty also, same with if someone looks like a prick they most likely are a prick or at least with expectation we can be pleasantly surprised if they are not.

I use expectation for events that could affect me to reduce the amount of disappointment and maximise my "pleasantly surprised". Some use expectation to create a sense of standard and choke a bit more on their image. Expectation is the first thing you do when waking up and the last thing you do before going to bed it is such an innate thing that we trust it to our own detriment at times.

With so many things in our lives based on it, you would expect us to be able to manage it better, to not be disappointed surprised, to be a hell of a lot more apathetic towards the results.

need results.

Expectation is also choosing a side, how else would you know if it was an expectation then, and whether you were right or wrong. We validate every thought we have that way to an extent, I have the thought then I create an expectation based on it, my personal favourite is people obviously but situations and self-follow close, people are simpler you get immediate validation , something as silly as how someone says hello changes your attitude in a second, expecting results affect behaviour , it serves as protection and as a means to influence, determines our actions and makes us anticipate the actions of others.

I said already it is innate and don't tell me to not judge others on sight because how else am I suppose to know what to expect, just willy-nilly go into the world and be bombarded by the choking expectations of others? Or have my own little atmosphere to use as a buffer?

licked it words

Very open ended and even a mess, but hey did you expect anything better after reading more than a few lines?

This is my post for this weeks Drop in the Ocean show by @buddyUp , view all #dropintheocean posts by visiting the tag

Image Source from Pixabay - uploaded by [Counselling](


I expected this post to be good.

it met my expectations. hehhe.

Thank you 😊

I would request you maybe lower your expectations for future posts, will make you remain pleasantly surprised and take some pressure off this side. haha

Nice!!!! Lol

You’re right about using expectations as a guard. We are taught to not stereotype people, aka have expectations of them based on appearances. But stereotypes also keep us safe when used as just that. An initial protection. We must still keep an open mind that the person we are “expecting” from may surprise us.

Another great post. I expected nothing less. 😉

I Completely agree with you on that, even if I might keep an open mind that they may surprise me I cover my bets and consider both good and bad , but do place a bit extra on bad 😁

if you THINK that you're gonna post a cute puppy pic and take this win again.......

you're probably right.


no - really - you made some really good points in here! As always, it's a wild ride inside your head.... looking forward to dito with you today :)

I would never use a puppy for a nefarious plot. I only let them smell poop then giggle.

Current standings have you ahead for the win , we had a deal after all. 😉

Thank you, but it is only a wild ride because I am missing most of the tracks . haha

Yayyyyyy!!!!! Bribery DOES pay, kids!!!!! 😆

Stereotypes do exist for a reason, and our brains do tend to categorise for social reasons. Having said that, it is good to be aware of our expectations and our judgements. I think there is a fundamental difference between having aware and unaware judgements. It is also good to realise where your judgements and preconceived notions come from.

There are certain stereotypes or judgements that may be based on irrationality or past experience, and hence may need revisiting. In those cases, your expectation or judgement are actually providing you no help in the real life. I do agree, though, that there might be judgements that do help you out and save you time/energy or whatever. This was an interesting perspective to read on this week's topic.

There are certain stereotypes or judgments that may be based on irrationality or past experience, and hence may need revisiting.

They also feel like they would affect you more than the ones based on reasoning maybe the emotional investment that amplifies your attachment to them. It is bad once you are not open to your judgment or expectation changing based on new information provided. Personally, I have very generalized views and use blanket statements but I do understand and allow for new information to change that, and just think how tiresome it has to be if you initially have to allow for judging people on who they are. I might just have to say Hi and chat with them haha.

Great points Jeremy , thank you for reading and commenting.

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