in #writing7 years ago (edited)


He walked towards the reception with a false air of confidence. He didn’t know what he was doing, or what explanation he was going to give. But he knew he had to be strong for Shola, she was all he had left.

When he got to the receptionist, it took a while before she acknowledged him.
” Ehen?! What is it?”, she demanded
” Erm...erm, I...I want to pay my sisters bill”, he stuttered.
At this, she decided to look at him. ” You?”, she asked with an incredulous look
” Yes, ma”
” When was your sister admitted?”, she inquired.
” Two days ago”, he replied
” Na wa o! So, you have been owing us for two days?! Don’t you know we don’t treat patients without payment?!”, the receptionist screeched.
” I am sorry, I didn’t know.”
” You are lucky we didn’t throw her out”, she said and kissed her teeth.
” Give me the money jaree!” ” What is her name?”
” Shola Adenike”
” You still have to balance us #20,000. You can go, just make sure you have the money by the end of the week”, she told him after typing away on her computer for a few minutes
” Ok. Please can I go and see her?”, he asked. She just waved him off and muttered something about not wanting to be bothered.

As he walked away, he breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe the receptionist was used to having 16 year old boys pay hospital bills.
At least she didn’t ask for their parents. What would he have said?
It’s not that they had parents anyways. Their mother was dead, and their father was a pathetic excuse of a human being who took out his frustration on his children by beating them whenever the mood hit. It was especially worse when he was drunk.
Shola was in the hospital because of him. The monster had beaten her within an inch of her life. Temi was angry he wasn’t there to stop him. The man had left her on the cold hard floor, barely breathing. Now, she was in a coma, but the doctors were hopeful that she’ll come out of it soon. Temi felt rage course through him, making his blood boil.

He got to her bedside and just stared at all the tubes and contraptions that were keeping her alive.
Taking her small cold hands in his, he made a solemn promise;
He was going to make sure their father never hurt them again. Even if it meant killing him.
But first, he had to take care of her. To do that he needed to get money.
He had no choice but to meet with Oga Denrele the next day, his sure way to getting cash. He didn’t care that his methods could get him thrown into jail or worse, killed. It was all for his sister, she was his only family now. He took a deep breath, knowing he would have to prepare himself for that meeting. After all, they were planning to rob bank.

To be continued...

That all for now. If you like it, please;


This is from @stach’s @paulanii


so sad. 😔😔. Poor Shola.

Minus little typo errors here and there, this is a cool story @paulanii,

the monster had beaten rather than the monster had beat

Thanks for that. I blame insomnia. Lol

Suspense 😫

Lol, Ikr... Soon, I promise.

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