Story of a story - Part 1

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

This story begins in front of a computer - most of the stories begin there nowadays, don't they? The problem is that this story begins talking about itself, and this means that it is an essay in the form of a tale. Because when you tell something about a tale, or a novel, you are making Secondary Literature. And there are no tales or novels in Secondary Literature. 

It is such a desolate place, Secondary Literature!

Ok, forget that. This is a tale. Not even the introduction of a tale: this is the tale itself. Can't you see the characters coming forward? Don't tell me that it is just me and you don't see them, please! This is not going to be a scary tale. No way.

Let me tell you what's happening. Let me tell you the story.

The characters were coming into life, as I said. They wanted it. They needed it. But a crowd of different characters pushing to enter a story, well, they can kill the story itself. And who can protect a story from the assault of its potential characters but the writer? Of course. It's on the writer. It's his duty to do that! 

But the writer, alas!, there was no sign of him. Where was that layabout gone?

This little story, this tale started in front of a computer and still not even developed, it really could have died. It can die. Poor little handful of lines! But this is when something happens. Something is scaring the mob of characters and putting them in their place.

An abyss opened up - it is happening right now, see? The self-reference of the story telling about itself looks in fact like a potential loop you have to watch from the outside to get its meaning. But characters, obviously, can step outside the story. And they see very well the dangerous abyss growing in the story. So they stop coming and stay away.

Hooray! We did it even without the writer! But now, the growth of the abyss has to be managed. Such Self-Reference could cannibalize the story! (In the meantime, if you reader falls in the abyss, you are welcome: this story wouldn't like anything more.)

(1. To be continued)


Lol. Every reader falls into the abyss. The characters never fully form and the story remains empty of life. We looking eager to find a story inside the tale as promised, find that there is indeed a whole where tj story should be.

aspetterò la seconda parte sono curioso...

a very different kind of story it seems to be wonderful part of it :)

Nice intro, reminds me of the stanley parable somehow, dont know if you know the game. Mostly because of the first pic that you chose, looks like the main menu :) Have a nice day. This is the trailer of the game in case you are interested :)

intriguing game it seems ^^

Yeah, to say the least :D Its a very nice game that has a lot of endings and the voice of the narrator is calming and interesting as well :)

the story looks great curious to know more about it can't wait for the next part :)

Sometimes we know everything about the person by just watching him, but sometimes spending whole life can't give us any clue about the person we are examining, life is a mystery!
Try to find new stories!

most stories begin from there but this one seems to be a special one

story inside a story wow this is fascinating me a lot

that story just came alive thanks for sharing this one

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