The letters I wrote

in #writing3 years ago

My arrival in the world coincided with the beginning of the April showers. Those who saw that I was born so small
They said, "This child will not live." I embarrassed all those who spoke with my little self. My grandmother used to rub olive oil on my body and massage it every day and put it in front of the sun. I am growing and improving day by day. Every time she thought of it, she would say, "By God's leave, I kept you alive, girl".

When I think of leaving my village, I fall into a deep well, and then the feeling of not being able to get out of there surrounds my body. Even though the pen wanted to write, I was running away like a mouse on its tail. I still couldn't. As you can see from the coast to the corner, I am going back and forth to my childhood. Those days when I knew love, when I was happy, when I was valued, when I was loved to death. Unfortunately, this love has caused a lot of jealousy on the invisible side.

The love my grandfather gave me carried me up to this age. Thousands of thanks to people who are small and big-hearted.
It is in the echo of our Turkish society. We always remember sadness, we love to tell about sadness. We hardly remember happy days. I will tell about the good days as much as possible.

I miss my grandfather very much in Çelikhan, I was waiting secretly with the thought that he will come now every time the door is knocked. I used to write letters to my grandfather often. At that time, there was no telephone in the houses. Our means of communication was only letters. It would be very exciting to write and read letters.
As technology advances in today's world, the letter was forgotten. Today's youth will never know the taste and excitement of that letter.

One Sunday, when the doorbell rang, I saw my grandfather in front of me. He came to visit us, taking small gifts with him. He brought the famous raisins, walnuts and peanuts of our village in his small suitcase. Since Çelikhan is between two mountains, the sun would set quickly and it would be early evening. After eating my mother's meals, we ate the cookies my grandfather brought to the tea with a deep hometown conversation. I was very happy, I was sure that my grandfather came for me. Finally, when the people at home went to their rooms to sleep, we were alone with my grandfather.
He turned to me and said, "Daughter, I was your father first, and since when have I been your grandfather". Boiling water poured over my head. Not knowing what to say, I bowed my head in shame.


In the letters I wrote, I wrote as my dear grandfather. I knew my father for ten years and I used to call him father. I realized that I had hurt my grandfather a lot without realizing it, without knowing it. This beautiful person who truly loves me. He hugged me tightly as I apologized and kissed his cheeks. Two drops of tears fell unconsciously from his eyes.

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