The country of the long spoons

in #writing6 years ago


Once upon a time there was a man who loved to travel. Throughout his life, he had devoted himself to visiting many real and imaginary countries. One day, sitting in a cafe, he remembered that trip to the country of the long spoons. Well yes, how strange the name of that country. The man went on an adventure and the first thing he found was a divided road, where he had to choose his destiny, both roads had similar characteristics, however one was darker than the other. The man couldn’t take it anymore and ventured down the dark road.

The winding road ended in a single huge house, somewhat neglected but still retained a gloomy style. It was divided into two; a west wing and an east wing. The man immediately took the foresight and left his backpack in front of the house to make no noise, before entering he noticed a sign in the door that said; "Country of the long spoons" - This small country consists of only two rooms called black and white, to travel the house you must move down the hall until it is divided, it is your choice if you want to turn right to visit the black room or turn left if you want to visit the white room

The man advanced down the corridor and left his destiny to chance, choosing the room on the right. A new corridor of about fifty meters ended in a huge door. Every time he went deeper into the corridor to his destination he heard moans coming from the black room. For a moment he was frightened and hesitated to continue his journey, however he steeled himself and continued walking down the corridor, reached the great door, quickly opened it and entered.

Sitting around a great table, there were hundreds of people, in the center of that table were the most delicious delicacies in the world and everyone around the table had a spoon with which they could reach the central dish, without however they were all starving and they appeared malnourished. The reason was that the spoons were twice as long as their arms and were fixed to their hands, so everyone could reach the food but nobody could enjoy the delicious delicacies. The situation in which these people were was so exasperating that the screams were not enough to show how heartbroken they felt. Despite the scene before him, the man did not allow himself to be influenced and he turned around and ran out of the room.

The man, somewhat distressed, arrived at the center of the division of the two roads, and this time decided to take the corridor on the left that went to the white room, something similar to the other corridor but more colorful and cheerful. One of the main aspects by which this new room differed from the the other one was that he didn’t hear any groans or laments on his way there.

Upon reaching the door, the gentleman carefully turned the handle and found the same number of people sitting around a table, in this case there were also delicious delicacies available as well as the long spoons fixed to their hands however, nobody complained, rather they all smiled as they had implemented a unique technique and where they helped each other and fed each other. The gentleman, after observing such an enigmatic panorama, retired with a smile and, upon hearing the click of the handle, he was already back in the cafe where he is remembering that adventurous trip. The man sitting from the cafe, looked around, got up stealthily and left.

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Fiction to truth, heaven or hell, good or bad, developed or underdeveloped, always the world appears dichotomous. Reality presents two alternatives of which we must choose one of them. It is up to everyone to select the path that best suits them.


In Jorge Bucay’s story "The country of the long spoons" presents a reality that can be reproduced in any country in the world, in an aggravated and continuous way, showing us two alternatives to pose the future of the people.


And if we apply this story to our reality, we will find much similarity with our people. Venezuela is a nation rich in natural resources, envied by other nations because of the great possibilities with which the Creator endowed us. But, the Heavenly Father, I do not know if by wisdom or by failure, didn’t equip us with leaders and planners who had an ethical vision of national development. God put the country to the test and ... we failed the exam.

We have all the resources and possibilities, but we do not have visionary, ethical people ... that can govern, administer and apply strategies for progress.

Our leaders are people whose mentality does not allows them go beyond complaining and vociferating against each other. I refer to the facts. The reality surpasses the fiction, it is much closer to the "country of the long spoons".

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Our rulers live in the world of the white room of the story.


They do know how to use their connections: to extract the riches of the country. While the locals, inhabitants of the black room complain bitterly of hunger and misery. For not agreeing to work together for the benefit of all.


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Reality surpasses fiction.

At the moment people’s intelligence and willpower has been reduced to complaining in the queues to get food or cash. It seems that the long spoons are anchored in the brain, leaving us blind and deaf.

It is important that we stop complaining so we can act. And when I speak of acting I refer to the change of mentality necessary to overcome the individualistic egoism that separates us and weakens us. It is necessary that we assume our reality and begin to establish links and strategies for survival, and that we assume the lead of our immediate future.

The allegory of the long spoons [Denizcan Yuzgul].

Youtube: uNdErMaMBo

It is worthless to complain, if no one wants to change the situation, if no one wants to open the door and "change room", of estate, environment ... to stop looking pitiful or "sell" pity as a mechanism to obtain benefits.


We have become accustomed to the bad, to suffering being our national lifestyle, where human misery was imposed as a fashion, as a way of survival over others, as if it were eating or taking advantage of another: the "I do not care" or "how much will I win for helping you" is the thought that is imposed over the former concepts of morality, union, solidarity, work, progress and prosperity.

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It is time to drop the wooden spoon

If we want to change. If we want to overcome this situation, we must transform our way of thinking and acting. We must agree to remove the mental devices that impede our interaction, articulation and/or coordination.


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It is time to dismantle the discourse imposed on un from outside and assume consolidated strategies that allow us to overcome the present situation.


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