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RE: Being a Hero is Overrated...Like Way Overrated (1st Draft)

in #writing7 years ago

Really good post. There's a lot in there brother. You've touched on some things I believe we all know, (no matter how far we've buried them in the closet) but maybe aren't truly aware of until a little light is shone on it. Well my friend, you just put ten spotlights on it. As I sit here, your words still floating through my head, I am realizing quite a few things. I do want to give votes to everyone. I feel it's my duty. I have a select few I make a priority to read every day. It's a juggling act, but the real question is why? The hero complex, very interesting. Perhaps wanting to be liked by all? As self realization takes hold I realize I'm guilty of quite a few things. The "Aha" moment.

What it boils down to, and you expressed it amazingly well, is "you gotta be you man". Winners focus on winning and losers focus on winners. Do your thing and do it better than anybody else, never apologize for the truth. I can't remember which writer this quote is from, maybe Stephen King, but it goes "The truth will get you hated, but it will get you a little love too." A little love will conquer a lot of hate any day of the week. Great post brother. Keep it up!


The "Aha" moment is Everything.

I've found that a well rounded sense of humor goes a long way in supporting the ability to process the significance of any given "Aha" moment. Because, Humor is not all that serious...yet it often can be very much so...and often the best funny is really because you know, "It's funny because it's true". To be able to for a moment have a laugh at our own ridiculousness, I believe is a necessary tool of support in and as the Learning Process...In a way, making our mistakes laughable...yet having the serious element to actually grow and expand, Maturing from our every mistake.

Much regard and appreciate for your comment. It is comments like these that encourage the continuation of Learning and Self-Reflection...which really are the tenets of Great Communication.

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