in #writing7 years ago (edited)


This series is about those things I learnt from my mentor that have been listening to for the past 8 years plus, and has been a sought of tremendous blessings to me. In fact his impact in my life is beyond what words can express.

In the first chapter, I started with various quotes from my mentor and further explain what those quotes means to me. I actually expected those that will comment on the post to do likewise and in the process we tend to expand the meaning and the lessons learnt from the quotes on a personal basis. So, for this particular chapter I will still share some of his great and inspiring quotes but I will appreciates if we can share our own ideas and what we feel the message those quotes are passing across or teaching us in the comment session.

Let’s go once again………

a. The strength of your enemies is your ignorance while your own strength is your enemy’s ignorance.

  • The reason why most people fall into pit that can be averted is because they refuse to develop themselves in terms of what they should know and what they need to know. It is only when you KNOW that you confront whatever thing your foe is throwing at you in order to hurt. If you don’t know what you need to know then you are an automatic prey to your enemies. Reason why I like this quote that says ‘’ pray so that you will not be a prey”.

b. Where others have put a FULL STOP (.), God has decided to put a COMMA (,) because never mistaken a bus-stop for an end-stop.

  • When God have not said it is over then do not allow anyone to talk you into believing that is over. It is only over because you also agree with your haters and enemies that it is over. God’s work is always progressive in nature. So, remain focus for there is a light waiting for you at the end of that tunnel. Just try harder because better days are ahead of you. When you have a seed in the ground then you have a future.


c. Whatever you don’t respect you cannot attract and whatever you don’t merit but inherit will soon be forfeited.

  • Anything you desire or aspire to become in life must be given uttermost attention and you must do it intentionally and consciously. You need to organize yourself for success and don’t just live but live purposefully.

d. The embassy must reflect the truth of the home country.

  • What you do when you are not been watched or studied should show in you disposition when you are outside. You should always portray what you are and who you represent without creating any form confusion due inconsistency. Be the replica of who you truly represent even when no one is noticing.

e. Learn to swim against the current even when others are not doing it right, never compromise just remain steadfast.

  • Even if you are the only man standing for the truth then keeping standing because it will pay off very soon. Note that because everybody is doing it does not mean is the right thing. So, watch before you leap.
  • You cannot afford to run another man’s race because you have your own race to run. Remember that character can either resurrect your reputation or mar it. Don’t ever trade you character for anything.

f. Beyond success there is something called significance.

  • Life is not just about making money but making meaning in life. You do not just exist to mark time but also live for others. Those that live for others are known to be the most fulfilled people in life even after they are dead.
  • Make the kingdom of God your addiction and every other thing becomes an addition. Remember that what you make happen for others God will make happen for you.
  • Who you are is not on you but it’s in you. Live a life of purpose and make more impact

g. Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world while unreasonable ones adapt the world to themselves.

  • For example someone like Mother Theresa gave herself to the world till death and her name can never be forgotten. The same thing as Nelson Mandela who fought against a system that is depriving him and his people of their human right. Such people individual can never be forgotten. They gave their life as service to humanity and they receive the compensation.
  • You don’t just live to mark time but to make your life count. They know that life is a loan and not gift which they must give an account of at the end.

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h. There is nothing God cannot do but there are things He will not do.

  • He would not do some things because is not yours to receive or should I also say “is not yet time to receive it”.
    Probably having it at that particular point in time might be disastrous to you existence or take you astray.
  • You need to generate some positive attention with your life before you can be allowed to handle some things. There is always reason for everything.

These are just part of the quote according to my mentor. I hope this particular chapter adds to you in one way or the other? For the first chapter, you can visit this link

My belief is that anytime you visit this series. You will always have something to learn and use through your life in journey.

To further see more quote from my mentor. You can follow this hash tag on twitter for more inspiring and notable quotes: #ThingsRevoThoughtMe

Just stay tuned to this channel and see what the next chapter will entail.

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Thank you for taking out time to visit my blog.

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Compliment of the season. @optimistdehinde loves you all. Signing out for now


wow! I came across to your quotes and cant get over it. I jotted them down. Thank you for the inspiration:)

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