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RE: Notes From An Amateur Writer #41 - What Are Some of Your Favourite Books?

in #writing7 years ago

Firstly, thank you for not asking which books were my favourite. After 35 years of compulsive reading (I read Lord of the Rings at about 12, though I don't think I understood it properly.) there is no way I could answer that question. Also, I tend to forget books very quickly.

I like a good story, preferably fast paced, but not always. I think the characters are what makes me fall in love with a book. Think Stephen King's The Green Mile or Lee Child's Jack Reacher series. I love epic stories, especially about world-ending scenarios. (Mmmm, seems weird if I put it that way.) Some of Michael Crichtons books have fulfilled that need. I like odd, bizarre and a little creepy. For haunting books (literally and figuratively, James Herbet is a favourite.) I read most of Peter James, Dean Koontz and Stephen King. I wish I could find more authors along this line, so any suggestions would be welcome.

I've touched on fantasy and sci-fi, more so when I was younger. I re-read the CS Lewis Narnia series more times I can count when I was in my early teens/pre-teens. Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern too. My dad had a huge sci-fi collection, Philip K Dick; Isaac Asimov, etc, but I think I read them when I was too young to fully appreciate them.

Now I have so much less time, but when I need to checkout of life for a while I will read a book in an entire sitting, so I have a cupboard full of books waiting to be read. (My husband buys loads of books at the auctions.)


Answered like a true avid reader. I think books appeal to us for so many different reasons. And as we grow and change as people so do our tastes. They can mark times in our lives, if we think back upon them, like good music.

There is so many books that I find hard to recall from my late teenage years and early twentys. That's why I am rereading some of the ones that really stood out to me to try to refresh my memory of what made them great.

I do agree that characters are so central. Some people are either into strong plots, or strong characters, but I think both are key. But without good characters to drive the plot then forget it. The Jack Reacher series are great. I am way behind on them, but I like what I have read. Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider is one I need to reread.

I always wished I could read quicker. My sister always had the ability to read a book in one sitting. As a child I took several weeks to finish one. Not sure why, as I was a good student and never struggled with reading, but books would bore me. I had to address that because I wanted to read and experience the wonder of reading. That's why I think so highly of Philip K Dick - it was his writings that snapped me out of that. I ended up reading at least 30 of his books in about 6 months. I think my problem is I just was never given anything as a child I enjoyed.

So now I am playing catch up. Seeing what great books I have missed over the years that others recommend. Thanks for the comment and suggestions.

I think people's brains are wired differently. Either you are a binge reader or not :)

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