We believe in google

in #writing7 years ago

We crack our heads, thinking of the fastest and easiest way to kill him. We want it quick because we have little strength, Father can take down the both of us combined with just one arm. He can crush us both with his thumb. So we have to make sure we kill him without getting close to him. It would make sense if we have a gun, then we can easily pull the trigger after asking him to say his last prayer. We can shoot him in the chest, where his heart is stationed, so that it stops beating and we can all have a break. But we don't have a gun. We don't even have an idea where we can get one. The only gun I've seen, apart from the thousand I've seen on television is Benny's toy gun, a squirter. We can only use it to pepper spray Father, to destabilize him. It'll take a lot more than a squirt gun to fall the hombre. We need something sharp, something that can pierce. Something lethal. Something like poison.
I don't know where we can find poison. In the movies, the wicked wife or mother in-law plotting to kill someone usually sneaks into the bush to meet a medicine-man. The scary-looking bushman will peer into a mirror, dance about, pour libations, speak incantations, before offering her white powder wrapped in black nylon alongside outrageous rules which when flouted could cost her her life. The poison will be sprinkled in the target's food, making it more delicious than ever, then while munching he'd choke and grab his belly. He'd then fall to the floor and begin foaming at the mouth. That's the Nollywood cliche. It happens in every movie, accompanied by a weird tone to build suspense.
Benny and I can't go into the bush. We have to find our own poison. We think of rat poison. About a month hitherto rats had plagued our house, invading every cupboard in the kitchen, the couch in the parlour. The only place they didn't thrive was the toilet. Mother bought mouse traps, a dozen of them and placed them at strategic locations with baits that should lure them into a sticky trap. But the rats simply scaled the trap and got their food. So mother was forced to buy rat poison, a lethal weapon, liquid. She'd sprinkle the liquid on chunks of bread and the rats would come biting away, only to die later and leave a bad stench in the house.
We are going to check for the liquid rat poison to see if there is a little left from the last extermination exercise. Father was a pest after all, meant to be exterminated. In our parent's absence– Father is still tending to mother, for the most part of everyday, at the hospital– we raid the house in search of the liquid. It had been clearly labeled, Keep away from children. And Mother had obediently done so. We are not sure how we'd get Father to drink the poison yet. What we eventually get sure of is that Mother had discarded the poison. It was nowhere to be found.
Benny suggests we use the internet, google. There we can search for the best way to silently kill a man. Father had introduced Google to us as the answer to all questions. In fact if we asked him a question he retorted, Ask Google. So we search. We finds lot of references, including a novel, How to kill a man and not get caught. But we can't download it. We click on one of the references.

We have a lot of options to choose from.Samson 20171125_115721.jpg

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