Cognitive Inertia

in #writing7 years ago

How can you convince a monkey that honey is sweeter than banana?

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Cognitive inertia refers to the tendency for beliefs or sets of beliefs to endure once formed. In particular, cognitive inertia describes the human inclination to rely on familiar assumptions and exhibit a reluctance and/or inability to revise those assumptions, even when the evidence supporting them no longer exists or when other evidence would question their accuracy.

Cognitive inertia is basically not wanting to think beyond what you already believe and accepted to be true to you.
It's like being a monkey who cannot be convinced that honey is sweeter than banana.
People who find it hard to change their opinions suffer from cognitive inertia, and it can be a really dangerous thing.
The term “inertia” according to physics refers to the fact that, in the absence of external resistance, a moving object will keep moving in the same direction.
This word has also been used across multiple fields as a metaphor to describe related characteristics of human behavior. For example

  • In management and organization science, the expression “cognitive inertia” describes the phenomenon that managers might fail to reevaluate a situation even in the face of change
  • In sociology, “social inertia” depicts the resistance to change or the (excess) stability of relationships in societies or social groups
  • In psychology, the “inertia effect” describes individuals' reluctance to reduce their confidence in a decision following disconfirming information
  • The concept of “psychological inertia” has been proposed to describe the tendency to maintain the status-quo
  • Speak of “patient inertia” to describe the phenomenon that many patients stick to inferior options or fail to initiate treatment even after the diagnosis of a medical problem.
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    Summing up, the concept of inertia has been used to describe many different phenomena related to a resistance to change. The existence of these phenomena has been linked to status-quo bias

Also described as the tendency to maintain the defaults either by repeating a decision or avoiding action. So far, however, our understanding of the processes underlying inertia in decision making is rather limited.

The real key is to live in an environment where the mind feels free to choose the right thing instead of being compelled by habit and inertia to choose the wrong thing.

Cognitive inertia is an extremely important component of love, rely on, and friendship. As an example, if evidence showed that a friend was fraudulent, the cognitive inertia on the friendship would demand much more evidence to form a belief than that forced to form an opinion of a stranger. Here cognitive inertia has provided an additional level of trust in relationship
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Take a critical look at this

"Experience is the best teacher"

Beyond reasonable doubt and with full attentive and accurate consideration "Experience is the best teacher" should have been eradicated and be in extinct from our vocabulary grammars and lessons.

Yes , we learn in everyday life but your experience should not serve as a crucial lesson to others. You have fallen and you don't want others to fall, makes experience a best teacher for your fellower. But what has happened to yourself?
You have fallen already!!!

Wisdom and understanding should now serve as the best teacher to both the leaders and the followers.
Our mistake and experience alters our lives but shape the lives of those looking unto our paths. We can only make change to the World in general if we change the world ourselves and allow our followers, the generation to come to build and finalize those changes - not them coming to build on our mistakes and downfalls.

I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words each hour, each day, everyday, until the words become as much a habit as my breathing, and the action which follows becomes as instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids. With these words I can condition my mind to perform every action necessary for my success. I will act now. I will repeat these words again and again and again. I will walk where failures fear to walk. I will work when failures seek rest. I will act now for now is all I have. Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy. I am not lazy. Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. I am not a failure. I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person

Am still on the quest of making the world a better place to live In

I hope you can join me on this quest



Educating post

Nice post bro

Am learning a new concept. Thanks.

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