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RE: How I write. Lesson 2

in #writing7 years ago

Thanks for sharing this with us. Varying tension throughout the piece is super important. Sometimes I feel like i have to infuse every chapter that I write with some sort of tension in order to keep people interested. Especially when I post a chapter at a time here on steemit. But It is important for me to remember that the overall effect of the novel is more important than the individual chapters. (Although, i still want to make the people here on steemit happy too :D) Cheers!


Hey @nexusfyre, I understand what you're saying but you need to twist that on its head and not write to please your audience. They come to see your writing, they don't come to see what they want. If they wanted something different to your ideas, they'd write it themselves.

One of my strongest 'rules' is: write for you, no one else. That way, you're guaranteed to please at least one person :)

That's good advice. Perhaps I even knew it at one time and have kind of strayed off the path so to speak lately. Thank you for responding to my comment.

You're welcome :)

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