Taste of love ... Sabor do amor...

in #writing7 years ago

Sweet and bitter ... Doce e amargo...


Oh the love ! Feeling that always will be the subject of some post here, I consider love the preciousness of life without it I think life would have no meaning, would be as sweet without sugar, hot ice cream or live in a world without the beauty of the four seasons ... (laughs) It seems exaggerated but it's what I really feel about love, maybe it was born at the wrong time, because I see so much lack of love around the world, people are more and more distant from each other, I do not mean just love for physical contact but every form of love, which has no scale from zero to ten to measure its intensity ...

Love is composed of emotions that can provide the emotional instability of someone or be confused with other feelings as for example, passion that triggers the possevidade that later leads to madness and emotional imbalance, when it reaches this stage is mental illness that only one psychiatric treatment finds the cure. It is when the facts that lead to depression are included in the context, here are some examples;


I could highlight other examples that have the same grounds as excessive jealousy, betrayal, but from then on we would enter the field of neurological and psychiatric diseases, the post would be too heavy because it would involve scientific theses, so I prefer to explore the subject in a lighter way It's simple. Love, feeling that leads from heaven or to hell! (literally speaking of course)


The three examples cited are those that cause the wound in the soul, unfortunately this is the dark side when the feeling is mistakenly absorbed by a sick mind that can bring as a consequence isolation, loneliness and de facto depression.

Love as good examples in life ...

Who has not suffered for love that throws the first rose without thorns (laughs) Love is a special and transformative feeling in our lives, makes us see everything from another point of view, a simple gesture comes to have a gigantic meaning when loving itself, like for example a declaration of love, with a sentence composed of three words; I LOVE YOU !

The special as an energetic source we find in the love free of charges, the pride of everything that undoes the confidence acquired over the time that lasts. A love story to succeed, there are disagreements that lead to the acceptance of the other as it is, trying to change the other is a big mistake, change is happening gradually without us having control, everything depends on the reciprocity of feelings .. .

Love as a source of goodness and solidarity. Love is infinitely indescribable because it embraces many forms of love and within these forms the special happens to transform everything always for the better ...





Wonderful post @neidemaris. Well written and a great subject - Love. Upvoted and followed you.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked the post. @sallykwitt :)

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