How Cotton Coin can revolutionize cotton industry?

in #writing6 years ago

Look at the label of your t-shirt.

It is probably made in 100% of cotton. The same as mine. And the same as almost every citizen's of civilized countries.

Have you ever wondered where this material comes from? And most importantly: who produced cotton for your t-shirt?

I will not quote a history of cotton industry here, because I think it is not necessary now. The most important thing for me is to make us aware about the scale of the cotton industry and the consequences that it brings. Maybe some numbers?

  • About 75% of our clothing contains some cotton.
  • 300 million farmers in 80 countries rely on cotton for their livelihoods.
  • Cotton covers 2.5% of the world’s cultivated land.
  • 29 milion tons of cotton are produced a year.

And the most terrifying number: since 1998 more than 300,000 cotton farmers have killed themselves. So the price on the tag is not the only one that we have to pay. The additional cost is human life. And many of us are not aware of that.


We have to put the questions: why is this happening and how can we prevent it?

International Food Policy Research Institute found indebtedness and hopelessness as the main reasons. Farmers get their payments with delay, they work in very poor conditions and are affected by a lack of government support. Due to that, suicide is often the only solution for them. In my opinion it's a vicious circle, because if farmers are not satisfied with their work and live in constant stress, work efficiency is dramatically reduced and the cotton quality is poor. This has an impact on the profits of clothing companies, which pay less for cotton due to that. If cotton is cheaper, earnings of farmers are smaller and we are going back to the beginning. This system is so settled, that we need a real revolution. And here comes blockchain.


Cotton Coin

The main goal of this project is "Saving Lives Through Technology". They want to reduce the number of suicides among farmers by integrating consumers, supply chain participants and authorities in one ecosystem, which will be based on decentralized payment network. This will provide instant, secure and easy payments for farmers, who won't have to worry about their finances thanks to it. Blockchain is international, so it will allow farmers to have transactions worldwide and monitor cotton prices. This project will also improve trust between consumers and retailers, because blockchain is fully transparent and there is no place for scam. This technology also eliminates banks or any central authority, which prevents from corruption and any form of control. Cotton Coin allows farmers to create nodes, which secure whole network, make transactions instantly and provide high profits for their holders. This can be a great form of investment for farmers, and will give them opportunity to improve their financial situation. I think Cotton Coin will break the vicious circle described in the previous paragraph and not only increase the standard of living of farmers but also the quality of cotton and thus the profits of companies. It will be positive for the whole system.

cotton coin logo.jpg

Potential problem of Cotton Coin

Once I have tried to explain to my grandmother what blockchain is, how it works and how people can make money from it, and she said that is all a scam and she couldn't trust it. I am afraid that farmers from third world, who hasn't have much contact with technology, can also be skeptical. They may suspect that this is just another way to abuse them. I think it will be an extremely important challenge for Cotton Coin to build trust among farmers. Anyway, in my view, this project has a great qualification to do that.


Cotton Coin in my opinion is a very extraordinary project, which can be a beautiful example of blockchain technology used for a noble goal. I hope that this idea will succeed and cotton industry will be revolutionized. Still, we have to remember, that there are many industries that need reform, because people lose their lives in order to make big companies even richer. I hope that there will be people who will take matters into their own hands and will use blockchain technology to save human lives. Such as in case of cotton industry.

Here you can learn more about Cotton Coin


I hope you get lucky with the contest

Thank you!

your welcome @neavvy
Is the cotton industry vibrant in your country?

Very interesting post. Unfortunately when it comes to business and Multinational Corporations, the weaker worker is always the loser. I believe a lot in the blockchain and its potential especially when its use can improve many people's lives. Blockchain can fight injustice. Cotton Coin will have to spread and support its project directly on the territory knowing that it has to invest in addition to money, in time and patience. At the end I think the result could really revolutionize the whole Cotton Industry.

Greetings @mikitaly

Great comment. We agree that the biggest problem is the fact that wealth is not distributed properly across the world. And our goal is to have an positive inpact on cotton industry, where abuse of human rights and modern slavery is so very common.

Definetly we will face many challenges and it is not going to be easy task. But who said that everything in live need to be easy, right? :)

Best regards, Cotton Coin Team
Cotton Coin

You're very right @mikitaly

the weaker worker is always the loser

It unfortunatelly always this way. One thing we can do is to help at least some of those losers to stand up on their feet.

Yours, Piotr

Thank you, @mikitaly. Yes, unfortunately exploitation and injustice are common on our world. I hope that in the future blockchain will revolutionize not only cotton industry, but also other fields where people are treated as cheap workforce.

Dear @neavvy

That was a long week and I definitely did not expect this contest to become so popular. I expected 15-20 reviews about Cotton Coin but ended up with almost 60 entries. Crazy but positive :)

Let me already express how personally grateful I am for your support. This has been my first sponsored contest and I can safely say that I have already gained and learned so much of valuable knowledge from it.

Regardless if you will be one of the awarded winners or not - I want you to know that I will do my best to check your profile every few days and support all quality content related to blockchain, AI, human psychology or crypto (as those are my main topic of passion).

I have almost 60 reviews to go through and I want to personally read each one. It might take me some time but I will definitely reply to any of your comments.

Also: Im looking for few judges who would help me select some of the best reviews submitted. Please visit my latest post (contest update) for more details.

Obviously upvoted :)

All the best, Piotr

I’m happy to read this post, so much value in it. On behave of @crypto.piotr, I say thank you for participating and good luck!

Thank you very much!

I got a feeling that you believe that other cryptos should follow Cotton Coin’s example. At least this is how I myself feel.

That's very nice! I've noticed that you have very interesting content on you profile and we probably share some similar thoughts and passions, so I will follow you closely :)

Once I have tried to explain to my grandmother what blockchain is, how it works and how people can make money from it, and she said that is all a scam and she couldn't trust it. I am afraid that farmers from third world, who hasn't have much contact with technology, can also be skeptical.

Yes I feel that way too, When I first got introduced to blockchain

but with all the features that are obvious enough to be accessed on a normal tech phone, Farmers will access information and proceedings of cottm coin on a first hand basis.

Greetings @neavvy


We would like to confirm that your entry has been submited. Thank you for your time and effort.

Results of this contest will be announced on saturday 14/07/2018. You can find more details visiting @crypto.piotr profile and checking out his latest post:

Best regards, Cotton Coin Team
Cotton Coin

I love the way you introduced the article.

Look at the label of your t-shirt.
It is probably made in 100% of cotton. The same as mine. And the same as almost every citizen's of civilized countries.

i had to check the shirt i was wearing lol, i really enjoyed your article. i wish you all the best @neavvy

Haha, I hoped to bring such effect :D

Thanks for supporting cotton coin and giving this article a personal approach.

This crypto shines light in an otherwise dark industry.

Thank you also, your article about Cotton Coin was amazing!

Thank you also, your
Article about Cotton
Coin was amazing!

                 - neavvy

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Good work
On behalf of @crypto.piotr

Thank you :)

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