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RE: SILVER LINING #24 (Part 1 of 3)

in #writing7 years ago

I finally made it back here. Sorry it took so long, but it was an inevitability as you are a great writer, and I enjoyed your story back when I had more time and attention. Those days are returning, I am happy to say.

Although oddly enough I am starting at the end of your explanative series and working backwards. But that's how I roll! No not really, but I am playing catch up. Bear with me as I progress through both this series and your truly wonderful story.

It was interesting reading here about the depth of research you did, and the way in which it coloured your story. This series has been both interesting and informative. What I wrote yesterday on my blog - 'Notes From An Amateur Writer' (which I plan on doing many more of) was inspired by this series of yours.

I am glad to see you persevered here, and have made such awesome progress. Hat's off to you, sir :)


I'm glad you're back, just when my internet is malfunctioning haha! We'll find a common time in the future, I'm sure of it!

You know, when I was a kid, I truly believed that Simpsons episode about everything in Australia is backwards, so thanks for confirming it to be true? :/ Haha! Just kidding, mate! I constantly tell you that the story would be waiting for you when you return, and it holds true to this day. Feel free to comment on whatever chapter. As you already know, I reply to every comment.

When I conceptualized this, I really set out to write an entertaining and informative story, so I'm glad it achieved its intented objective somehow. I'm currently leeching off my fiancee's internet, so I'm online on borrowed time. I'll catch up on your new series as soon as I can.

I've set you as one of my autovotes, so trust that I would never miss voting on a post of yours, my friend. You're one of my influences here, so I'm extremely happy that you managed to make it back on here :D

Yes, I'm the 'backwards man', lol. And thank you for those autovotes. I had forgotten all those tricks from my previous Steemit life, so I need to look into that again. And internet problems can be such a drag. I have been having them on and off for awhile now. So I get it.

And yes I am glad I managed to get back. Steemit seems to have a renewed vigor. Or is that just me? I am enjoying interacting with people again, whatever is behind it. See you around when your internet decides to behave itself.

It's you and the community that has a renewed vigor :D I guess the surge in the market price is what brought the new people in.

Dust off all those old tricks. With HF19 in full swing, I guess a new strategy is needed. @naq1 surely deserves to be taken for a spin ;)

Yes the price of Steem has contributed, I believe. And the increased participation then feedbacks to increased Steem price, so they reinforce each other. And yes HF19 has added fuel to the minnows, so thats a bonus.

Still have the other account (you may have noticed :) ), but don't know how to curate as well as I used to, and that was part of my experimentation.

With all of the changes, different strategies need to be enacted. It's not the same playing field as before, and that's exciting in a way :) I used to think a surge in new members would be detrimental, but now I'm not so sure. STEEM going up is definitely a win for everyone, I just hope those new members make more of an effort to thoughtfully interact and not just leave drab one-liners haha!

Did someone call :)
Been kept in mothballs.

Oh hai! Stretch those legs and warm up those arms. We've got some ground to cover. Time to make up for lost time :D

(Why do I feel like I'm talking to a real person? >.<)

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