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RE: Notes #31 - The Squiggly Red Underline of Death

in #writing7 years ago

I saw your vote come in early. But that's cool with regards the timing of your comment. Maybe you should have written "Nice Post" instantly. I'm like that too, I like to vote first chance I get with those who are supportive of me (if I am around when the post is published), but I may not have the chance to read it and give it my full attention there and then.

Yes, my last couple of posts have received some Blocktrade glitter sprinklings on the, And perhaps there are a couple of others in there too. It's a nice little boost and always appreciated. Not as much as the consistent respect of my 'regulars', but still I'm not going to knock it. As you well know from your own efforts, a lot of hard work goes into writing these, so the sharing of the whale love does help.

I've never seen a foreign squiggly red line. I'm into equality, and consider all red lines to hold equal value, but something about the way you described that Filipino one had me shaking in my boots. I have a hard enough time dealing with the English one.

Thank you for your ever creative and detailed comments :)


I have you on my auto-vote list at 100% (of course) so I don't worry about missing your posts. How were you able to get that Blocktrade glitter? I would love to have that kind of boost on a regular basis haha! Ever since HF19, I've gotten, well, the boot. It's weird because it came at a time when I felt the most hopeful and motivated.

My dictionary is automatically set to English, so every Filipino word has a red squiggly. Well, except those that have an English equivalent but have a different meaning haha!

I need to set up the auto vote too. I stopped using that a while back. I hunt down any posts I may have missed, but as you've noticed occasionally some slip through. But until I do have an auto vote then I make it a habit to check your page often.

Ah yes, the English dictionary would reject Filipino words. It rejects many of mine too, and I am under the illusion that I am writing in English. So what chance do you have when trying to incorporate other words?

I still hunt down posts I have missed, but I set up autovote for when my internet goes wonky or I'm not able to go online for days. Since I don't have a lot of people in my autovote list, that's the same one I go through to check the profiles, yours included of course.

As for the Blocktrades votes, not sure if it's pure luck, or part luck or not. He shares his vote with many people every day, so probably just the right time.

I go through stages with regards to how many votes/value of votes. I think that's the self doubting writer in me wondering what it means if I get x number of votes but so and so got y then am I really that bad, lol. It's pathetic, but its also fodder for creativity.

Interaction and genuine feedback is what will help us the most in terms of writing abilities and careers. Sure, wont put more Steem in our accounts or food on the table, but gotta start somewhere.

Oh lucky! I remember that account voting for my posts along with Curie, but that was it. My account seems like it was sprayed with whale repellent for some reason haha! I totally get what you mean about the votes and self-doubt. I think it's unavoidable. It's less stressful to just feel the self-doubt when it occurs.

Yeah, I won't ever complain about the awesome interaction I've been getting. Some more STEEM would be nice though.

Whale repellent, lol. Perhaps their sonars are all broken. Keeps sending them to the same trending posts over and over again. Like those beaches they keep stranding themselves on.

It works for them, so yeah. I'm happy with the dolphins and other marine life analogies I share a frequency with :)

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