Story of the experience of student at Islamic boarding school

in #writing6 years ago

Not at home or not at home at the pesantren is one of the causes of santri finally asking parents to pick home and not go back to school. If this is the way the parents are sad.

Intention to have a godly child and wider religious knowledge has vanished.
Although it is true that religious studies can be outside the pesantren, without going to school, being a pesantren santri is still the right choice.

Not at home or not at home not only experienced by new students. Older santri also actually experienced many periods of unrest. Sometimes even more torturous.
Older santri who cling to (hold) are not at home and then channel it with various activities outside the main activities of the fondation, also potentially causing more severe violence. This often happens.

For parents who have a baby feeling uncomfortable or not at home in a pesantren, it should be studied first. What is the reason for not being at home?
Then should boyong or not stay up again?
Is that the best solution?
Well, maybe the following 5 reasons exist, one of which is because your baby is not at home:

1.Away from Parents

Away from parents is the most common reason for new students.
Crying is a common thing for new students. Even because it was normal, until there were expressions, new students had to cry first to make it peaceful.

If this is the cause of not being at home, then you want to stop going to school, try to read and listen to the stories and stories of ancient scholars.
How the priests of the school studied, how the kiai of the archipelago wandered the long journey just by foot, and so on.

One thing that must be remembered the most, away from home and parents now is in order to make parents happy. Give them pride, and also to get their pleasure and prayer.

Try asking them, which time between lodgings and at home? From childhood to adolescence, then later after finishing school. Then the length of stay is not long compared to their togetherness with parents.

2.Fatigue Following Activities

It is still the reason for new students, namely tired of following the busy schedule of activities at the pesantren. In the semi-modern large Islamic boarding schools and modern pesantren, activities are very crowded.

Start before dawn until night. Even at 24.00 the new pesantren really breaks. It's outside of personal activities after 24 o'clock. For example, memorizing memorization, learning to read books and so on.

The process of adaptation to the environment must indeed be lived. If it is physically inadequate, of course you have to dare to report the administrator, Ustadz, to get relief.
Also check out personal activities for your heart. Is it true that he was exhausted from participating in cottage activities or was just exhausted from doing personal activities?

3.The boarding school is less comfortable

Less comfortable, sleep doesn't use a mattress, or the bed is easy to make a fight. That is also the reason for new students. That is the world of pesantren.
The success achieved by the ulamas and the many Islamic scholars who came from the heavy road.

It is said that Imam Thabrani was once asked why there were so many traditions that he narrated.
He replied, "I slept on the mat for 30 years."

It is very necessary for the new students to understand that boarding schools are not boarding rooms.
But the pesantren is a place to cultivate faith, morals, and the formation of a resilient Islamic youth mentality.
So that gave birth to a generation that firmly demanded knowledge despite the very limited circumstances.

Santri of old times even willing to make their own huts for the sake of taking part in the Koran.
Angring dormitory is a proof of the persistence of predecessor santri.

4.Can't Eat Delicious

The same menu, lacking in nutrition, and not being able to eat well is also the reason for some santri who are not at home. Sometimes parents also seem not to accept that their children in the pesantren are not eating enough.

Unlike the medical and modern education reviews, the scholars did not emphasize the importance of eating nutritious food. Need but not a priority.
Because they eat only to survive and carry out their duties while seeking knowledge.

Back to the story of the journey of the scholars. Many of them are willing to not eat for days just for the sake of studying.
They eat only to survive. Once told by K.H. Hisham Syafaat, Caregiver of Darussalam Pesantren, Blokagung, that Mbah Kiai Syafaat during mondok had only eaten leaves and grass in the rice fields.
Stocks run out, and embarrassed to ask the colleague. Even to the point that he looked around like all greenish colors.

5.Items Often Lost

Clothing, sandals, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes are often lost. Sometimes money is lost.
This is one of the reasons that santri have just become sulky and do not want to continue their study. This is also a matter of sharp criticism from people who are not happy with the pesantren.

Indeed, everyday students gather with so many students with different backgrounds. Sometimes there are bad guys too.
In addition to the need for carefulness and firmness of the board, students themselves must also be trained to closely guard their personal belongings.
If you don't want to be stingy, you have to learn and train yourself to sincerely share small things.

Everything in the pesantren can be a place for mental and character formation.
As long as the lost is not money and objects of great value, it can be a medium for the formation of sincere character and willing to share.

Daily items are easily lost, ghosob sandal is a condition that must be handled by the pesantren manager and management seriously to eliminate the bad stigma of pesantren as ghasab learning places (borrow without permission).

However, students must also learn to guard and refrain from other people's property.
While parents must be aware that there are not many students who are able to guard their children until things are as detailed as sandals.

The key to staying at pesantren, as often advised by ancient kiai, is CENGKIR.
Yelp is Javanese, meaning small coconut fruit. Actually Short for Thought Kencenge (strong determination and mind).
If the determination is unanimous, the mind is solid, whatever happens, studying at the pesantren will still be lived.


Hahaha that teuga neuteumulehh

That hek teuh bak ta karang

Heheh hana pu seubab item vot le goodkarma

Nyo ka itamong
2 urou sigo itamong sabe

Tingat teuh u Dayah taeu nyoe ustad @mubarak ,,

Balek ju udyh

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