🍀 Magical Gifts: The Girl Who Finds Four Leaf Clovers 🍀

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

What comes to mind when you imagine a 4-leaf clover?

Luck, right?


When we think of "gifts" we may think of oration, writing, athletics, or other boring things. Ini's sister, Lexi, visited us last week and blew us out of the water and put new punch into the concept of a "gift".

I had heard for years that she had a knack for finding 4 leaf clovers.

Like, always found them. Little did I know that would translate to our land where up until this point I had only found one 4 leaf clover on the land in 3 years!


Her visit started out with her finding a few. She left them in place "to save the luck for other people." I guess that's what you do when you can find a 4-leafer just by casually glancing at the ground!

She would call out "Found another one!," and sometimes pick them and give them to me or her sister, Beth, who was here for a couple days.


I quickly became flabbergasted and asked if she'd ever looked into her gift. I did a quick google search (Virgo Nerd) and found that there are Guiness Book World Records (of course there are).

The record for the largest collection of four-leaf clovers belongs to Edward Martin Sr. from Cooper Landing, Alaska, USA, with 111,060 four-leaf clovers, as of May 2007, which he has been collecting since 1999.

Excuse me, Mr. Martin, I think Lexi could beat ya! Watch out!

This sparked her interest so she started collecting the ones she found and put them in a book called The Poppy & Other Deadly Plants to press them.


She ended up finding nearly 100 4 (and 5 and 6!) leaf clovers by casually searching here and there over a span of a week!


Lexi found this many not even by "hunting" for them all of the time,

but just by meandering out to the clover patches in odd moments and finding 5-6 here, 3 there, etc etc. I would stand with her looking into the same patch and I only found 1 all week! She's got the gift!

These are pretty startling odds as the numbers on the chance to find 4-leafers runs about 1 in 10,000 .


Where did that adage about luck come from anyway?
From Ireland, of course!

As it says here,

Four-leaf clovers were Celtic charms, presumed to offer magical protection and ward off bad luck. Children in the Middle Ages believed if they carried a four-leaf clover, they would be able to see fairies, and the first literary reference to suggest their good fortune was made in 1620 by Sir John Melton.


I like this one as well,

Eve "was said to have carried a sprig of four-leafed clover with her from the Garden of Eden as she left. Thus, anyone with a four-leaf clover is believed to be carrying a bit of paradise with them."

Lexi definitely carries a bit of paradise with her!!


“Did the fairies ever whisper in your ear, that a four-leaf clover brought good luck to the finder?”

banner by @radicalunicorn


I very seldom/never find one but my husband finds them fairly often. But Lexi has him beat by a country mile! What a super wonderful gift!

it seems some folks have knack. I don't seem to have it either. It's great to see the gift in action.

Great post! What a gift to find so many four leafed clovers. She will have much luck and protection. Just imagine having such luck playing the lottery! 🐓🐓

A gift indeed. She has already been protected throughout her life in big ways.

If only the lottery and clovers had more crossovers ;)

Very nice story. Maybe it is partly that Mountain Jewel will bring luck! I think many gifts are the ability to see what others miss.

I'm hoping we're bringing luck! Gifts are indeed seeing the things others miss, well said.

oooh, I just loved this story. She certainly does have a treasure of a gift.

I'm making a present for my niece for the fairies, I am going to have to go searching for a four leaf clover because that would be the perfect way to finish this project! :)

That sounds like a splendid activity, can I join in ;)? It shows us that there is always magic waiting to be discovered, sometimes we have to stop and squat to see it.

stop and squat

I love you. Hahaha! Sometimes we do have to stop and squat! Might as well enjoy it while you're down there!

thank you for sharing this lovely story, yeah for 4 leaf clover, me and my sisters were always on the luck out for them, you had the luck of the fairies if you found any xx

Luck of the fairies eh? Love to hear it. Reminds me to allow in a little more of the magic on the daily.

yes keep letting all that magic in xxx

I had a friend who had the gidt, but nothing like her. And i didnt know the fairy bit. Thats fabulous. Theres lots in western nc, and i took my kids to a place to see them. They could still see them, but i have apparently lost my muchness. I know a few adults who can, but its rare. Maybe when im old ill be able to see fairies again.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

wow! I've never found a four leaf clover. Nice finds!!

We were super impressed by her gift. I think I'll be looking a little closer next time I cut clover.

She must have a special eye for it. My special seeing power is bugs, I guess because I hate them so much I spot them out when nobody else does.

I have never found a four leaf clover sigh

What a magical post! I have found them, though don't often look for them. We have tons of clover in our gardens and lawn and I often grab handfuls (without looking how many leaves) to feed to my chickens of a morning. I wonder if they ever swallow up any fairies in the mix :)

Before now...I had never heard of this kind of gift! I can't imagine that I have personally found more than one or two in my lifetime. She must surely be blessed by the faeries! <3

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