Amending today for tomorrow

in #writing6 years ago

It is no doubt that we are reaping the fruits of yesterday. I mean every walk of life and every corner of our living is the result of the past. It been sown by us, or by our elders, the result affects us.

It is not too late to make changes. If we cannot do that today then what will be of our future generations?

  1. Family disorganization.

A lot of our families have no backbones. This is evident in the high divorce rate that we encounter, high rate of gender based violence, child abuse and many other problems that are of concern to our families.

The problems come up as a result of us not knowing why we get into marriage. We marry for wrong reasons and turned marriage into just a game. We forget that marriage is a lifetime commitment and we have to prepare for it. I mean, at this rate, will our children have families? Will their kids be bred in peaceful, happy and welcoming environment?

What can we do to make this situation better? It starts with you! If you do not feel it to be a problem then we are in denial. Shall we stop cheating or should we change our attitude towards cheating? Is it the impact of changing times and technology? Is it result of our approval to changes, such as unisexuality? Is it the changes in culture? Is it the approval to different religions?

In my view, I believe the change in culture has the most impact. We should live who we are, not these partial cultures. I am a Mosotho but why should I want to be like Western? Why can't I just copy their styles and remain who I am?

The dissatisfaction in our marriages is a result of us looking at what others do and feeling discontent with what we do, then being jealous and eventually falling into a trap while searching for someone that can do that.

For example: we try to copycat how other people do their romance. In some places it is a norm for couples to stroll on the streets and kiss or touch in public. In my culture it is a disgrace to do that. But our people try to copy this type of romance, and if the other partner cannot comply then the other feels they need someone better. The problems start.

Marriage is sacred and needs to be kept as such. Modifications to marriage have tempered with the value that it carries. Allowing for divorce, partial custodies and polygamy are some of the things, among many more that have affected our marriages. These affect our the children negatively and keep them traumatised. Imagine yourself having to choose between your mother and father. Imagine living in poverty while your other parents swims in wealth.

Family problems not stopped today will be carried down to tomorrow, and the situation will be worse than it is today.

  1. Drug and substance abuse.

It is no secret that this has become a habit amongst us. A lot of people have been affected by drugs differently, but mainly negatively. We can talk about drugs in schools, at home and at workplace. We no longer know where to and where not to take drugs.

Many scholars quit school because of drugs. Many have fallouts with teachers and co-students as a result of drugs. We have many cases of mentally disorganised persons due to toxic drugs and abuse.

The question is, at this rate, will there be good leaders tomorrow? I mean, some of our most brilliant co-learners engage in drugs and turn to dull futures. I for one had a brother who boycotted school to drink and smoke with friends. He was an "A" student but could not make it past form B. He died poor and miserable and full of regrets because he knew he could have done better.

For this one also, the rules and the laws have turned us into monsters. Our parents cannot rebuke us because we have "rights". We misuse the funds they give us because we have rights. We go as we please and return when we want.

It has gone too far and i getting worse day by day. I cannot imagine what it will be like in the near future. Will there be educated and creative as well as hardworking individuals? What we do nowadays is hide under shrubs and do drugs, then do immoral sexual activities after which we die of STI's. We can stop this for the sake of our own kids.

I promised myself never to get drunk again and have lived to my pledge for 4 years now. It is not enough, I want to stop drinking alcohol completely, whether it is at a party or anything. Change now can do better by tomorrow.

  1. Killing others for selling their body parts and for other reasons

It is a trend that has been going on from our fathers who used to be witchdoctors. Now people buy parts for transplants and it is just for money. Some kill because of religions, others fight for ower and some just to kill.

The most painful part is killing of albinos. Its is most inhumane activity. The problem is that with the current climate change situation, we are likely to have more albinos as a result of gene modifications and does it mean killing people like animals will go forever?

This is a problem and one wonders what will be of our future generation if these things persist. Will our grand children live in hiding on forever in fear for their lives? Will there be future for these killers? Is there any hope?

There are more problems, bigger and important than these and if we do not change them today then one wonders what the world will be like tomorrow.

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