When we were young?

in #writing5 years ago (edited)

When I grew up in the 1950’s it seemed like everyone was everyone else’s friend. Now it seems that no one knows anyone else and the more you can lie, cheat and steal from them, the better.
I look around and I see all the “Great” advances that we have made and I wonder where the sense of “Community” went. It was not unusual to see a neighbor walking down the street to borrow something that another neighbor had, sometimes if they weren’t home, even without asking. The owner of course would not worry about it much because they knew it would come back in better shape than it was borrowed.
Kids used to play outside in the street and the time the lights came on was when you went home. Everyone looked after each other. The only times that any parent would worry was on Friday Nights with the kids racing their cars and going to fast through the neighborhood. Now, “sit in front of the television and play a game” seems to be the norm.
We have a Speaker of the House who is more Republican than anything else. We have a President who constantly tells people to break the law “I’ll pay your legal fees” is his response. People wonder why our Country is becoming more divided on a daily basis. Our Attorney General is not innocent of breaking the law also. He withholds a report that the taxpayers paid for and only giving a prepared summary of the findings to the investigation so blatantly false he too should go to jail, or at least disbarred.
If for no other reason there should be Impeachment hearings so that the American Public can be made aware of the issues honestly, not watered down by a lawyer who is on the payroll of the subject.

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