No rights? REALLY??

in #writing5 years ago (edited)

In regards to Alabama’s latest law concerning ABORTION, I have got to wonder when WOMEN are going to realize that the MALE dominated legislature of Alabama regards women as chattel? I must also ask why when ANY woman who is raped will allow ANY man more rights concerning HER body than she, herself?

What gives ANY person, male or female, ANY right to dictate the health and well being of another? What gives ANY person the right to remove CONSTITUTIONAL rights of another? WHEN are the women of this country going to stand TOGETHER and put a stop to the MALE DOMINATED legislatures of this country?

The way this is going it will not be long before SCOTUS allows a husband to sell his own wife as excess property! AND WE ARE ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN!!! But then again, our world isn’t going to be here for very long anyway due to our own lack of control over the way we are destroying our own planet. Good luck with THAT! Mike out

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